$5 million grant will develop multimodal AI and sensing technology for mental state tracking….
USC Center for Neurotechnology Boosted by Grant From NIH BRAIN Initiative
At USC, the team includes a collaboration between the Viterbi School of Engineering and the Keck School of Medicine faculty across several departments including…., Psychiatry (Adam Frank and Steven Siegel)…
Over the approximately 25 years since that period my research and clinical interests have evolved, but I continue to think back to my grandmother, the sadness I felt at the time, and the wish for continued improvements in medical science; that childhood wish has turned into a drive that continues to propel me forward today.
SC CTCSI KL2 Awardee Interview
Ultimately, I aim to be an independently funded academic psychiatrist-scientist conducting patient-oriented research that aims to improve understanding of and treatment for individuals suffering from OCD and related disorders.
Fall CTSA Program Annual Meeting Poster Winner Interview
It (OCD) also appears to correspond with distinct brain activity, says Adam C. Frank, a psychiatrist also at USC.
What we don’t know about OCD, Vox
Adam promoting awareness about OCD for OCD Awareness Week 2024 On KCAL9 Morning News