Frank OCD Lab Timeline
2025 Lab Kick-off Dinner at Highly Likely
Randy joins the lab
Lucas and Elisa present results at TIPS from our qualitative study on AI use in OCD healthcare
Mittul joins the lab
Adam presents at USC’s annual Deep Brain Stimulation Continuing Medical Education Seminar
Adam promotes awareness about OCD for OCD Awareness Week on the KCAL9 Morning News show
Andrew joins the lab
Jenna joins the lab
Kendall joins the lab
Adam presents an overview of neuromodulation for OCD with Andrew Smith, MD, PhD and Martijn Figee, MD, PhD at the IOCDF Annual Conference
Dejan joins the lab
Adam presented with Teacher of the Year Award by the PGY-3 Psychiatry
residency class
Sam joins the lab
Spring Social and Graduation Party
Tam and Marcus attend the APA
conference in New York
Kenton joins the lab
Kaeo and Precia present at the USC Undergraduate Symposium
Derek and Erica are awarded the Provost Research Fellowship for Summer 2024
Adam attends Pitt-Stanford Career Development Institute at Stanford
Mansi joins the lab
Joint Lab Meeting and Social with SAIL Lab
Marcus presents at CA-Wide Psychiatry Research Resident Retreat
The lab has a holiday/new year party!
Wellington, Ruibei, Marcus, and Jerry present at the Technology in Psychiatry Summit in Tampa, FL
Kaeo awarded Provost Fellowship
Adam receives CTSA poster award
Lucas joins the lab
Thomas, Derek, Richard, Megan, Erica, and Elisa join the lab
Adam awarded BBRF Young Investigator Grant
Yvonne joins the lab
Kaeo and Precia join the lab
Marcus joins the lab
Kaitlyn awarded BUGS Jr. fellowship and joins the lab
Jerry joins the lab
Tam joins the lab
Ruibei matches to psychiatry residency at USC
Ujjwal joins the lab
Adam receives APA Kempf Award with Dr. Steve Siegel
Ruibei joins the lab
Wellington is awarded a Dean’s Research Scholarship for a year long research elective in the lab
Wellington joins the lab
Adam Presents at the 4th Semi-Annual Brain Stimulation Meeting
Adam is awarded a KL2 Mentored Career Development Award
The Lab Starts