Project 3: Motion Capture and Animation–Edith and Amanda

The Process:

1. we planned out movements that are big enough and clear for the motion to capture.
2. We recorded both on and on the phone so we could see the actual recording of the person moving and the motion capture. Amanda did a karate kick and then a wave motion.
3. then generated the movements onto a mannequin.
4. We placed a mannequin in the layer and then connected it to our motion capture. Now when we hit play the character kicks like when the recording kicked.
5. We played around with several of the mannequin characters. We experimented with the zombie, the knight, and the kid.
5. Finally we picked the knight to be the character that moves with the motion capture.
– we initially struggled to find a space for Amanda’s full body to fit in. However, we setttled on the steps of IYA, which was also conveniently brightly lit.