I’ve played volleyball for many years of my life now. I really enjoy volleyball and wanted to capture my love through motion capture. I wanted to give a point of view (POV) of what it looks like to pepper with me. In volleyball before the game starts, you warm up with a partner. This is called pepper, or peppering. When you pepper, you pass the ball using your platform (first motion, arms), then you set the ball above your head (second motion, hands), lastly, you roll/hit the ball to your partner (third motion, slapping with the palm of your hand).
The link above is my original video I took, demonstrating the pepper.
The link above is the video transformed into motion capture, with the original video in the corner to show the parallels, similarities, and what motions were left uncaptured.
I went into my dorm hallway and had my roommate record a high resolution video of me. I stood in front of one of the main headlamps for good lighting and made sure my whole body was captured in the video.
I downloaded the Rokoko platform and had difficulty discovering how to upload a video. I did some research, read some articles, and watched some videos and realized I had to upload it on the Rokoko website. I went back to the website and had it uploaded.
Overall, I think motion capture is very interesting and impresses me with how high tech humanity has become; that in a matter of seconds, you can upload a video and get a digital version of you online, fully rendered, with a 360 development. I am not well versed in motion capture and this was my first time ever exploring. I am open to exploring more!