Dom’s phunky dance


-I wanted to try and make a dancy Mo-cap to test its motion limitations

-Incorporated major movements starting in the feet and working my way up to the hips and then my arms. This way, each individual movement would be easily observable

-I had to do several tries and mess with distance, lighting, and speed but this was the last iteration of those attempts, often my legs would get cut off and not accurately captured or my arms blending into shadows behind me would appear static in the rendering although moving in the original video


-I brought this into Rokoko and rendered it as such, I realize that the camera (at least the one camera capture) has a hard time perceiving when one body moves behind another. Which makes sense given its almost purely 2-d capacity to perceive. It didn’t surprise me although it was interesting to learn.


-Overall, this was a very new process to me and I have no prior experience in Mocap and truly didn’t understand just how accessible it is to anyone with a phone. It was a truly interesting project and gave me a lot to think about in regards to how I might use this in the future and what I would change. If I had more time to do it again, I would probably make a custom mannequin and become familiar with a more sophisticated software like blender to make a truly seamless capture.