Who Dunnit?
Inspired by the iconic 1949 board game “Clue”, our project is an interactive murder mystery experience.
We have two characters: the victim and the alleged murderer. The user is supposed to figure out how the victim died. Was it blunt force trauma to the head? Was it poison in the drink? It’s the users job to find out.
Mixamo Animations
- Stand to sit: from the Google Drive Folder
- Dying victim: from Mixamo pre-generated actions
Adobe Illustrator
- Designed the walls and buttons them imported them
- buttons were linked to external doc for the clue information
Adobe Aero
- Used pre-generated items from Aero (table, chairs, plants, rock, drinks, floor)
- Imported items
- Walls and buttons from illustrator
- Music from Youtube Pink Panther
- Mannequins from Mixamo and Google Drive
- Adding user capabilities with buttons
- Imported animations from Mixamo as FBX files
- Adjusted delays and positioning to get desired timing for the scene
Final Result:
presentation link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_RbltPo1Rje_8HbqjjatUGdr8zWyt9iYEKXHyfla2BA/edit?usp=sharing
I didn’t think that the learning curve was too bad. The import feature was really helpful to get all of the elements we needed into Aero. I think all the little elements that Lauren and I created like the picture frames on the walls and peanut/candy dispenser were fun to ideate and create. This project does make me want to create more digital experiences and maybe even take that class later on.
Using Aero was a lot more intuitive than I anticipated. It was fairly simple to get the different animations uploaded from Mixamo and stage them together with the functioning buttons. Since this was easier to achieve, we were able to add in the element of music which I think made the scene a lot more compelling. If we were to build on this I’d like to explore customizing the mannequins to really place them in the scene visually.