As I was brainstorming possible concept directions for this project, I have kept in the back of my mind that...
For my project, I decided to utilize my mannequin animations from Mixamo, a dinosaur, and a robot to create th...
PG Ruff
Project 4: Adobe Aero 3D Environment
Creating 3D Scene
Inspiration: I was inspired by underw...
Our Idea:
We want to combine our work and learning from previous projects with the unique ability of Adobe ...
Building upon our story from Project 3, we had one goal: bring the Trojan Game Day experience to life...
Attached is our project presentation.
Slideshow Link
The Idea
Based on the David Fincher film of the same name, our AR experience pulls you into t...
Link to Canva Presentation/Reflections: Here
Idea: We wanted to recreate the cultural environment for the mannequin of our motion capture that we created i...