
15-122: SYLLABUS

  • Personnel:
Instructor TA TA TA TA
Name Victor Adamchik Soojung Ha Maryam Aly Ryan Sit Sylvia Han
Email adamchik@andrew soojungh@andrew maryama@andrew rsit@andrew sylviah@andrew
Office 7719 GHC GHC 4122/4126 GHC 5201 GHC 4122/4126 or Couches by Rashid GHC 4122/4126
Office hours W 11:30 – 1:00 pm
Th 1:00 – 2:30 pm
T 5:30 – 6:30 pm
W 3:30 – 4:30 pm
W 6:00 – 8:00 pm Su 4:00 – 5:30 pm M 12:00 – 1:30 pm
  • Schedule of classes:
Days Time Room
Lectures MWF 10:30 – 11:20am BH A51
Recitation – F TR 09:30am – 10:20am WEH 5421
Recitation – G TR 10:30am – 11:20am DH 2122
Recitation – H TR 12:30pm – 01:20pm DH 1117
Recitation – I TR 01:30pm – 02:20pm WEH 8427
Cluster Hours (optional) Sun-Thu 6:30pm – 9:30pm GHC 5201
  • Textbook:
    There is no course textbook Lecture notes and other resources will be provided



Course discussion Bboard: academic.cs.15-122

Blackboard: Used only for tracking of grades and quizzes

  • Coursework Grade:

    Course Assignments Weights
    Final test 25%
    2 Midterms 20%
    8 Quizzes 10%
    8 HWs 45%

  • Assignments:
  • The homework assignments are critical part of the course. They are designed to test your learning Experience has shown that concepts are best learned by direct engagement—in our case by applying them to example problems or by implementing them in computer programs. Each assignment consists of two parts: theory and programming.
    • The theory part is to be handed in class. It must be typeset. You may use either LaTeX or Microsoft Word. No late submission will be accepted.
    • The programming part is to be handed in electronically (via hand-in scripts) by 11:59pm on the specified due date.

    Every student has up to 3 late days to use for any programming assignment throughout the semester. On any given assignment, you may use at most one late date, so if the assignment is due on 11:59pm on Thursday the last possible time to hand in an assignment is 11:59pm on the next day (Friday). Late submissions from students who have exhausted their late days will receive no credit. Exceptions to the policies above will be granted only in exceptional circumstances and must be discussed with and approved by the course instructor in advance.

    Programming assignments will be graded based on style (modularity, effective use of data abstraction, readability, commenting, etc.) and functionality (correctness and efficiency of the program on the test inputs.) A working program is not sufficient for full credit. Make sure you do a thorough data validation. Your code should be properly annotated with comments.

  • Cheating:
  • For homework assignments, students are encouraged to talk to each other, to the course staff, or to anyone else about the assignments. This assistance, though, is limited to the discussion of the problem and perhaps sketching of general approaches to a solution. Each student must develop his or her own solutions to the homework. Consulting another student’s solution is prohibited, and submitted solutions may not be copied from any source.Each programming assignment will be MOSSED for Plagiarism Detection.The issue of cheating will be taken seriously by the instructor and TAs, and homerwork asignments will be routinely checked for violations, which will be handled in accordance with the University regulations.