Refereed Publications

Links are provided for recent publications

Skippable Ads: Interactive Advertising on Digital Media Platforms (with Qihong Liu and Jie Shuai), May-Jun 2022, Marketing Science.

Personalization, Customer Data Aggregation, and the Role of List Price (with Zibin Xu), February 2022, Management Science.

Cryptocurrency Adoption with Speculative Price Bubbles (with Max Wei), Marketing Science, Mar-Apr 2021.

Product Line Design with Superior Information on Consumers’ Preferences: Implications of Data Aggregation (with Zibin Xu), Marketing Science, Jul-Aug 2019.

Why Customer Service Frustrates Consumers: Exploiting Hassle Costs by a Tiered Customer Service Organization (with Yi Zhu), Marketing Science, May-Jun 2019.
→ This research was featured in Forbes, the Harvard Business Review ( and the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

Consumption Trends and the Warehouse Club Retail Format (with Tansev Geylani and Kannan Srinivasan), Managerial and Decision Economics, October 2019.

Prominent Attributes under Limited Attention (with Yi Zhu), Marketing Science, Sep-Oct 2017.
→ This research is described in an article in the Harvard Business Review (

Occupational Prestige and the Gender Wage Gap (with Karl Fritjof Kassel and Kristin Kleinjans), Kyklos, Oct 2017.

Online Shopping Intermediaries: The Strategic Design of Search Environments (with Lin Liu), Management Science, April 2016. Supplemental Appendix.

Consumer Search with Limited Product Evaluation (with Lin Liu), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Spring 2016.

The Informational Role of Product Trade-ins for Pricing Durable Goods (with Ohjin Kwon, S. Siddarth, and Jorge-Silva Risso), Journal of Industrial Economics, December 2015.
→ This research was cited in a television commercial and covered in

Position Auctions with Budget-Constrained Advertisers: Implications for Advertisers and Publishers (with Shijie Lu and Yi Zhu), Marketing Science, Nov-Dec 2015.

Selective Reporting of Factual Content by Commercial Media (with Yi Zhu), Journal of Marketing Research, February 2015. Supplemental Appendix.

Dominant Retailer’s Incentive for Product Quality in Asymmetric Retail Channels (with Tansev Geylani & Yunchuan Liu), Marketing Letters, March 2014.

Consideration Set Formation with Multiproduct Firms: The Case of Within-Firm & Across-Firm Evaluation Costs (with Lin Liu), Management Science, August 2013.

Who Benefits from Bilateral Information Sharing in a Retail Channel? (with Esther Gal-Or and Tansev Geylani), Economics Letters, August 2011.

Local Competition, Entry, and Agglomeration (with Ting Zhu and Vishal Singh), Quantitative Marketing & Economics, June 2011.

The End of the Robinson-Patman Act? Evidence from Legal Case Data (with Tansev Geylani, Ryan Luchs, and Kannan Srinivasan), Management Science, December 2010
→ This research was covered by the Wall Street Journal.

In-Store Media and Distribution Channel Coordination (with Yunchuan Liu), Marketing Science, Jan-Feb 2010

Pricing in vitro Fertilization Procedures (with Rajeev Tyagi), Health Economics, December 2009

Strategic Assortment Reduction by a Dominant Retailer (with Tansev Geylani and Kannan Srinivasan), Marketing Science, Mar-Apr 2009, Supplemental Appendix.

Information Sharing in a Channel with Partially Informed Retailers (with Esther Gal-Or and Tansev Geylani), Marketing Science, Jul-Aug 2008

Optimal Information Revelation in Procurement Schemes (with Esther Gal-Or and Mordechai Gal-Or), RAND Journal of Economics, Summer 2007

Strategic Manufacturer Response to a Dominant Retailer (with Tansev Geylani and Kannan Srinivasan), Marketing Science, Mar-Apr 2007

Channel Bargaining with Retailer Asymmetry (with Esther Gal-Or and Kannan Srinivasan), Journal of Marketing Research, February 2006. Supplemental Appendix.

On the Profitability of Media Mergers (with Esther Gal-Or), Journal of Business, March 2006

Media Concentration and Consumer Product Prices, Economic Inquiry, January 2006

The Advertising Market in a Product Oligopoly, Journal of Industrial Economics, September 2004

Minimum Differentiation in Commercial Media Markets (with Esther Gal-Or),
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Fall 2003. Supplemental Appendix.

Negotiations and Exclusivity Contracts for Advertising (with Esther Gal-Or),
Marketing Science, Spring 2003