I_AM engages people in their own healing process through creative encounters including painting, drawing, theatre, dance, and more.
Visual Arts Engagement for Patients and Staff
“I_AM Creative” Corner – Creative expression can give people valuable tools that explore and give voice to emotional experiences, to help move beyond blocks toward understanding, integration, and relief from distress. The process of art making provides a nonverbal language that allows the I_AM Creative Corner participants to represent their experiences without the limits of a spoken vocabulary while engaging the senses. Art materials and a range of art project kits and tutorials will unlock the benefits of imaginative freedom while allowing people to tap into their creative energies. Plans are underway to establish an open art studio so that the I_AM Creative Corner will have a physical corner of its own!
Artist in Residence Programming – Artists provide custom artworks for individual patients as accompaniments to Music Infusion projects and poetry written for or by patients as part of Poetry for Patients. Artworks will also be generated for members of the USC community to recognize and celebrate those who engage the arts with medicine.

Art Project Tutorials – Take-home art project kits with individually selected materials will be distributed to interested parties at Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center. Projects may be completed at the hospital or at home. For ready access, lessons will be taped and published to the I_AM YouTube page.
Virtual Art Lessons – At home with limited art supplies but still feeling creative? I_AM is designing a curriculum both feasible and achievable for patients and staff electing to participate in virtual art lessons with a focus on method and technique, as opposed to the more materials-driven art projects of the I_AM Creative Corner.

Header image: Body paintings by Savannah Mohacsi, Director of I_AM Painting Health.