David Belson, PhD

David BelsonDavid Belson, PhD

Daniel J. Epstein Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering

Email: belson@usc.edu
Office: GER 240


(213) 740-4893

belson@usc.edu  see: healthcare enginering at USC


Dr. Belson has held positions in management and in consulting for over 30 years. He has held management positions with Ernst & Young, IBM and Universal Studios. He has been a member of the faculty in the USC Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Price School and in the School of Cinema-Television. He has taught at UCLA and in several European universities. For the past 20 years he has worked elusively in healthcare. He has taught Lean methods and performance improvement at over 30 hospitals.

Dr. Belson’s business experience includes a start-up business involved in digital media. He has done independent consulting with companies such as Providence HealthCare, Roche Pharmaceutical, and Nissan Automobile Company. He has provided expert testimony involving litigation related to healthcare. Doctor Belson works with many hospitals to improve processes, reduce costs and increase productivity. In recent years he has worked for the U.S. Veterans Health Administration and the Los Angeles County Department of Healthcare Services. He is currently working for the California Hospital Association and the State of California. Over 10 years ago he organized the Society for Healthcare Professionals (SHIP) which has about 300 members in the Los Angeles area. See http://healthcareengineering.usc.edu/

Research Summary

Health care process improvement projects involving surgery, radiology, and overall hospital and clinic operations. Current research activity includes:

Improvements in hospital operations, improving patient flow at the Los Angeles USC County General Hospital and many other hospitals.

He has made available performance improvement training for all rural hospitals in California through support from the California Hospital Association. He started the Society for Healthcare Improvement Professionals (SHIP) and its journal.

Teach Improving Health Care Operations, Engineering Economics, and Project Management.


Dr. Belson was a Fulbright Distinguished Research and Teaching Fellow conducting research on productivity in Eastern Europe.

He is a member of the Industrial Engineering (Alpha Pi Mu), Economics (Omicron Delta Sigma) and graduate studies (Phi Kappa Phi) honor societies.