What is the purpose of Trojan CALM?
Trojan CALM is a student-led personnel project that at its core, tests stress! We understand that everyone experiences stress and that too for a number of reasons. As we unpack the different reasons that may contribute to an individual’s stress, we want to also understand how it correlates to the cortisol levels of that individual, which is the stress hormone. Led by USC faculty and students from the School of Pharmacy, we aim to bring a new understanding of what stress is and how it correlates physiologically versus mentally.
How does this study benefit me?
We all experience stress in some way! Perhaps you’re planning the perfect vacation, preparing for an important midterm exam, or even just excited for tomorrow’s football game. In all of these situations and others, you are experiencing stress of some sort. What this study allows you to do is a) discover stress-inducing activities or events in your life, b) understand the relationship between cortisol and the levels of perceived stress that week, and c) provide you, the participant, with an easy and accessible way to keep track of your personal cortisol levels throughout the year that can further be used to accommodate a stressful lifestyle at your own discretion.
I’m a participant donating my samples for testing. How can I ensure my data is confidential?
We have received USC’s IRB approval for human subject testing. Additionally, none of the information provided by the participant will be identifiable. Your samples will be collected anonymously and will not be labeled with any personal identifying information or with a code the research team can link to personal identifying information. The physical specimens will be stored in restricted areas with access limited to study personnel. At the conclusion of the study, all specimens will be retained by the investigator for record keeping and potential future research; samples will not be sent outside the institution to a third party. Electronic survey data will be stored with appropriate electronic safeguards with access limited to study personnel. Copying and using study-related material will be restricted, and security software will be used on all study-related devices.
How can I access my cortisol test lab results?
Visit the Participant Information tab > Participant Cortisol Results page. Your cortisol results will be updated every week on this portal!
I’m a student and would like to get involved. How can I participate?
Hello there and thank you for your interest! We’re always looking for enthusiastic, hard-working, and flexible students to join the team. Whether you’re looking for in-person, hands-on laboratory experience, or are interested in website and graphic design, technical writing, project management, or administrative work, we’d love to hear from you despite your major or previous experience. Please email trojancalm@usc.edu; we will reach out in 5-7 business days.