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CKIDS DataFest Spring 2020 Project Proposal Form

CKIDS DataFest Spring 2020 Project Proposal Form

For more information, see the Call for CKIDS Data Science Project Proposals for Spring 2020.

We invite all faculty, post-docs, and senior researchers from any USC school or department interested in exploring new collaborations in data science to propose projects to the center for DataFest Spring 2020. Please submit a one-paragraph project proposal by January 13, 2020 to using the form below.  The projects proposed should be semester-long projects where students spend a maximum of 10 hours a week.  Examples of previous DataFest projects can be found here.

***  DEADLINE: January 13, 2020  ***

Please fill this form below and email to

  1. Project title
  2. A brief (4-5 sentence) project description
  3. Pointers to datasets, project page, and any other online information
  4. Skills needed (programming, data analysis, etc)
  5. What will the students learn in this project? 
  6. Will you be meeting with the students every week or every two weeks?
  7. Will students from your group be also participating?
  8. Is participation from computer science faculty and data science advisors desirable, and if so what would be the target areas?
  9. Will the project be building on a DataFest Fall 2019 project and if so how?
  10. Will internships be available for students to continue working through the Summer?
  11. Advisor(s) names, affiliation, and contact information
  12. Indicate if you or someone in your group will be available to join the following events:

      – A kick-off event to match students to projects on Thursday January 16, 2020 (Yes/No/Maybe)

      – A mid-semester project report event on Wednesday March 4, 2020 (Yes/No/Maybe)

      – An end-of-the-semester symposium of project reports on Tuesday April 14, 2020  (Yes/No/Maybe)

Please send any questions to the co-chairs: Andres Abeliuk (, Deborah Khider (, and Fred Morstatter (


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