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DataFest S21 (Spring 2021)

Each semester CKIDS organizes DataFest, a collection of projects proposed by USC faculty and researchers where students can learn through data science practice.  Awards for students that demonstrate salient contributions and unique skills are given when the final DataFest project presentations take place at the end of the semester.   Everyone in the USC community is welcome to participate.

DataFest S21 was held in collaboration with the GRIDS data science student association.  GRIDS provides mentoring, tutorials, and presentations for all participating students.

USC faculty and mentors can submit DataFest S21 project proposals.  Students can join the GRIDS data science student receive notifications about events, or contact CKIDS for more information.

DataFest S21 Projects

Below are the titles of the DataFest S21 projects. A detailed overview of all these projects can be found here. DataFest projects were submitted by USC faculty and researchers responding to our the open call for DataFest S21 project proposals.

1. Microtelcos and the Digital Divide in CA

2. Investigating disparities in the COVID-19 epidemic in Los Angeles County through fine-grained epidemic modeling

3. Mapping the Ethical Concerns Surrounding AI Research

4. Object Detection and Classification for Street Cleanliness

5. Drought prediction in Southern California using deep learning

6. Omics and Aging in Killfish

7. Studying the Effects of Genes and Environment in Aging

8. Turning Cyber Data into Language

9. Looking at White Hat (?) Hacker Social Networks on Github

10. Mapping the Uncanny Valley

11. Machine Learning to Analyze Rock Microstructures

12. Detecting Biases in College Football Recruiting


Key Dates

DataFest events are open to everyone in the USC community.  Any students interested in attending any of these events, please contact CKIDS or get involved with the GRIDS data science student association.

  • January 23, 2021: Project proposals due, see the Open call for DataFest Spring 2021 project proposals.
  • Thursday January 28, 2021: Kickoff with project overview presentations
  • Tuesday February 23, 2021: Mid-term project reports
  • Tuesday April 13, 2021: Final project presentations and awards (Virtual meeting)


DataFest S21 Co-Chairs


Deborah Khider

Senior Data Scientist, Information Sciences Institute, Viterbi School of Engineering


Fred Morstatter

Research Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Viterbi School of Engineering

Goran Murić

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Information Sciences Institute, Viterbi School of Engineering







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