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Prof Odd Erik Gundersen: Reproducibility in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

CKIDS Special Data Science Seminar


Reproducibility in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

Prof Odd Erik Gundersen

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)


Time: Monday, September 23, 2019, 4pm – 5pm

Location: RTH 115

Abstract: First, we need a common understanding of what reproducibility is. Then, I will talk about some of the challenges we face related to reproducing empirical AI research and give some examples of studies that have tried to reproduce results from AI and machine learning. Having this understanding we can identify what we need to do to improve the reproducibility of our own experiments.

Speaker Bio: Odd Erik Gundersen is an adjunct associate professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway, where he teaches courses and supervises master students in AI. He received his PhD from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Gundersen has applied AI in the industry, mostly for startups, since 2006.  He has conducted several analysis of reproducibility in the artificial intelligence and machine learning literature, and has developed guidelines for reproducibility in data science.  Currently, he investigates how AI can be applied in the renewable energy sector and for driver training.
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