Referral Appointments
Interns conduct a brief assessment for students who have decided they prefer open-ended counseling or have already decided that they would like to obtain referrals for off-campus providers. Interns assist in the process of helping a student connect with appropriate referrals.
Routine Intake
Interns are expected to conduct intakes for cases assigned to them. Intake sessions serve as a means of collecting initial assessment information and determining probable case disposition (short-term, long-term, psychiatric referral or outside referral).
Crisis Urgent Intake
In addition to routine intakes, Interns will have one urgent intake each week. Urgent intakes are scheduled the same week to provide in-person assessment for student’s who are presenting in crisis or with higher risk. Similarly, these intakes serve as a means of collecting information and creating a treatment plan, as well as implementing interventions for self-care, and safety planning when necessary.
Individual Therapy
Interns provide short-term treatment based on a short-term model. Each intern also has the opportunity to work with two long-term clients.
Couples Therapy
Although interns will receive training for couple’s therapy, please note that this service has a modest request rate from students. Interns pair with a senior staff member to provide conjoin therapy for couples. Interns will incorporate the use of behavioral measures to inform their clinical work and assessment.
Triage Crisis Intervention
Interns cover a one-hour crisis shift each week, during which they respond to “walk-ins” and emergency appointments. Additionally, they may provide phone consultations to faculty, staff, parents or peers who are concerned about the welfare of a student. They are supervised by members of our crisis team. During the summer, when the demand for services is slower, this increases to one full-day shifts. Interns will also meet regularly for crisis supervision.
Group Therapy
The Counseling Center offers more than 20 groups each semester. These include process, support, and psycho-educational groups. Interns have the opportunity to co-facilitate with a senior staff member each semester.
Live Group Training
Using a treatment team approach, two interns facilitate a group, while the other two interns along with the group supervisor observe. “Real-time” feedback is provided to the leaders by the observers who phone in their observations and suggestions. After sessions are finished, all team members convene to discuss group dynamics and plan future strategies. All interns have an opportunity to both observe and co-lead a Live Group. The intention is to provide a supportive, lively learning environment.
Outreach & Consultation
A wide variety of consultation and outreach opportunities are available to interns. Interns may make presentations on topics of interest such as stress management, intercultural dialogues, eating disorders, couples communication, overcoming writing problems, and etc. They may collaborate with other departments in planning and implementing outreach programming. Interns may also participate in campus interventions in response to campus tragedies.