The Mathematics Proficiency Study
This study, funded by the Joan Herman and Richard Rasiej Mathematics Initiative, investigates the complex relationships among teachers’ content and pedagogical content knowledge, their noticing ability, and strands of their mathematical proficiency. We are currently in the data analysis phase.
Project PI: Yasemin Copur-Gencturk
CAREER: Development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Mathematics Among Beginning Teachers
This project aims to investigate, by using a longitudinal mixed-methods study design, how and under what conditions beginning elementary and middle school teachers improve their knowledge of teaching mathematics, what learning opportunities play a role in beginning teachers’ knowledge growth, and what the learning trajectories look like for beginning mathematics teachers.
Project PI: Yasemin Copur-Gencturk
Advancing Middle School Teachers’ Understanding of Proportional Reasoning for Teaching
The goal of this four-year Institute of Education Sciences-funded project is to develop and test an interactive, personalized computer-based professional development program for middle school teachers. The system will be usable for teachers, feasible for use in various settings (including the home), and easily accessible to all end users.
Project PIs: Yasemin Copur-Gencturk, Ben Nye, Chandra Orrill, and Al Cohen
Usable Measures of Teacher Understanding
The goal of this National Science Foundation-funded project is to develop instruments to diagnose teachers’ level of learning and to identify their learning trajectories.
Project PIs: Yasemin Copur-Gencturk, Chandra Orrill, Al Cohen, and Jonathan Templin
Immersive Virtual Learning for Worker–Robot Teamwork
This cross-disciplinary project aims to create a cyberlearning environment that will equip construction site workers with the knowledge and skills to work efficiently with robots on construction sites. Our research group will take the lead in creating meaningful learning tasks for workers with varying levels of language proficiency and education.
Project PIs: Burcin Becerik-Gerber, Lucio Soiblaman, Yasemin Copur-Gencturk, and Gale Lucas