3/20: Options for Course Grades and Withdrawals


To: USC Faculty, Students, and Staff

From: Charles F. Zukoski, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Date: March 20, 2020

Subject: Options for Course Grades and Withdrawals

The unprecedented challenges posed by COVID-19 require us to consider different ways to continue academic progress at USC. This is a time of anxiety and uncertainty, and we seek to help ease the pressure when we continue spring semester remotely beginning Monday.

We are extending the deadline by which undergraduate students can elect to receive a Pass/No Pass in their courses this semester. While undergraduate students may still receive a letter grade, they now have until April 24, 2020 to select the Pass/No Pass option. Students who elect to change their grade option can do so through the university’s Web Registration system beginning on March 23, 2020. If desired, undergraduates can contact their academic advisors by email before making a final change. Graduate students should contact their schools to determine if the Pass/No Pass option is available to them.


  • Courses taken for Pass/No Pass during Spring 2020 will count towards all major, minor, and university graduation requirements for all undergraduate students. This dispensation is only applicable to Spring 2020 courses.
  • When made by the deadline, the decision to switch from letter grade to Pass/No Pass is final.
  • The 24-unit limit on courses taken Pass/No Pass will be lifted for this semester only.
  • Any course taken for Pass/No Pass requires a C- or above to earn a Pass grade.
  • Pass/No Pass grades do not affect a student’s grade point average.
  • Please see the Academics FAQ for more information about the grade options.

The deadline to withdraw from courses for both undergraduate and graduate students is being extended to May 1, 2020.

We hope that these changes will assist you in completing an intellectually stimulating and healthy spring semester. We are determined to continue the academic excellence of our university. For more information and updates regarding COVID-19, please see the website. For questions, please contact our COVID-19 hotline at 213-740-6291 or by email at covid19@usc.edu.

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