Last updated: April 8, 2020 at 6:39 pm
- 4/7: The university issued face covering recommendations for USC employees working on-campus and USC students residing on-campus. Face coverings are not a substitute for compliance with current social distancing and hand washing guidance, which should be consistently observed.
- 4/7: Students interested in applying for funds from the USC Student Basic Needs Fund should email Ally Hong, the manager of Student Basic Needs, at Ally and her team will work directly with each student to help connect him/her/them with opportunities for support. This fund is open to both undergraduate and graduate students who may need assistance with hardship caused by COVID-19.
- 4/4: Have a dispute with your landlord or insurance company? USC’s Undergraduate Student Government (USG) and Graduate Student Government (GSG) provide free 30-minute legal counseling appointments via phone every Monday from 4-9 p.m. Students can make an appointment online.
- 4/3: Social distancing must not mean emotional distancing; as members of a global Trojan family, we are deeply connected to one another across space and time. Take advantage of the many resources we have for ensuring our emotional and spiritual health.
- 4/3: All in-person summer programs and associated in-person activities will move to online offerings through the end of the first summer term; there will be no summer learning abroad programs.
- 4/3: The university’s senior leadership volunteered to take a reduction in compensation. The resulting funds will be donated to provide financial aid and emergency assistance to our undergraduate, graduate, and professional students as well as our employees.
- 4/2: USC Housing will conduct health and safety checks from April 6–10. All spaces will be entered by USC Housing staff looking for open food items and other perishables. Inspections will include all refrigerator and freezer units.
- 4/1: Department of Public Safety (DPS) staff members are continuing to patrol and provide high visibility on and off-campus; see numerous safety tips.
- 4/1: USC’s secure parking program was extended to May 1.
- 3/31: For students, faculty and staff who test positive for COVID-19, notifications will be made for locations and individuals who may have had a close contact exposure.
- 3/31: Social distancing (six feet distance from others), personal hand hygiene, and staying away from others if we get sick, are our best and only tools to protect our region.
- 3/30: International students who are currently in their home countries can contact their local USC office for support in any area, including travel.
- 3/30: Undergraduate students can now opt for a letter grade, a Pass or a No Record up to a week after official class grades are posted; the deadline is May 27 to select these options.
- 3/30: USC ITS is committed to providing students with the tools, services and online resources to learn effectively; keep several tips in mind to help with your online learning experience.
- 3/30: Learn more about how you can help USC students, health care workers, community members and employees who are most affected by COVID-19.
- 3/30: Numerous campus entrances are closed, and USC Transportation has adjusted transit schedules.
- 3/28: International students in Los Angeles who are having trouble finding flight routes home can reach out to the university’s travel service for advice and guidance.
- 3/27: Students who live off-campus in non-university housing should view the latest FAQs for non-university housing.
- 3/25: Students living in university housing must adhere to social distancing guidelines; Student Affairs encourages students to visit the Virtual Engagement website for virtual opportunities in fitness, gaming, mindfulness and more.
- 3/25: On-campus computer labs are closed until further notice. For IT support, contact ITS.
- 3/25: If you have recently returned from travel abroad, we urge you to self-isolate for 14 days. Call 213-740-9355 (WELL) or make an appointment online at if you develop respiratory symptoms (cough, fever, difficulty breathing, congestion.)
- 3/25: USC ITS instituted several Zoom security changes to ensure a safe, protected and inclusive online learning environment.
- 3/24: All student workers, including those with federal work study grants, will be paid through the end of the semester. For more information, visit the student workers section of the employee FAQs.
Information for students about classes
FAQs: Academics
Frequently asked questions about academics for students
Keep Learning
Additional resources for online learning
International Students
Information for USC’s international students
Medical FAQs
What to do and who to contact
Medical Care for Students
Health care resources for USC students
Mental Health Support for Students
Ways to stay well during stressful times
Non-Discrimination Policies
Information about equal opportunity, affirmative action and non-discrimination policies for students, faculty and staff
Commencement 2020
Frequently asked questions about commencement 2020
FAQs: University Housing
Frequently asked questions about university housing
FAQs: Non-University Housing
Frequently asked questions about non-university housing
FAQs: Student Workers
Information for student workers about recording hours, paid administrative leave and more
Campus Services Updates
Additional information about dining, transportation, mail services and more
Dining Updates
Updated hours of operation and dining options at the University Park Campus and Health Sciences Campus
Resources for Researchers
Additional information and resources for student researchers
Library Resources
Resources for students and faculty that support online teaching, research and learning
Study Abroad Programs
Information for students in study abroad programs
Travel information for USC students and employees