Medical Care / 213-740-9355 (WELL)

Last updated: April 8, 2020 at 6:39 pm


As the situation around COVID-19 continues to impact our student community, we want to assure you that USC Student Health will continue to provide care—even expanding access through TeleHealth—during this time.

USC Student Health will remain in operation; we will be part of the health care response community, and in alignment with other Keck Medicine of USC care centers, we are launching TeleHealth as a measure of providing care while also following public health guidance on social distancing.

Read about current service protocols—including screening for respiratory symptoms and COVID-19 testing—on the website.

3/20: Operational update regarding TeleHealth, the process for in-person illness/injury care and the temporary closure of the Eric Cohen facility

Students can call for care questions 24/7; dial 213-740-9355 (WELL).

Have questions about TeleHealth?

Dr. Sarah Van Orman, Chief Health Officer and Associate Vice Provost for Campus Health, and Dr. Broderick Leaks, Director of Counseling and Mental Health Services, conduct a question and answer session about accessing care and staying well in the era of social distancing.