Data visualization in VR/AR: Static Data Analysis in Buildings

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are two ways to make the direct perception of data through images of virtual data. People can collect data on temperature, humidity, and particle concentration at different locations in a building and then visually represent the data in three visual formats at different times by swiping to change … Continue reading Data visualization in VR/AR: Static Data Analysis in Buildings


ESTABLISHING HUMAN BIOMETRIC SIGNAL-DRIVEN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINE AS A FUNCTION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES In most architectural design projects, the clients and architects are the main members of the designing process. Architects and clients unescapably spend a large amount of time deciding design agreements due to misunderstandings about the clients’ requirements and preferences. The objective of … Continue reading DEVELOPMENT OF AI-DRIVEN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES:

Development of data-driven building façade design preference guideline models: Machine Learning Techniques to Predict User Design Preferences

This study aims to develop a data-based design preference prediction model that performs design preference prediction based on design preference data of a specific user or group of users. The developed prediction model can function as a design guide for expanding client engagement, facilitating comprehensive information sharing, and inducing efficient communication during the architectural design … Continue reading Development of data-driven building façade design preference guideline models: Machine Learning Techniques to Predict User Design Preferences