The complainant was approached by suspect #1 as she walked north bound on the east sidewalk of Ellendale Place, south of Adams Boulevard. The complainant was then approached by suspect #1, traveling in the opposite direction. Suspect #1 latched onto complainant’s phone and subsequently pushed her upper body. A brief struggle ensued as the complainant…Continue Reading Robbery
Month: March 2018
Robbery Arrest
On Sunday morning, March 25, 2018, at 3:32 AM, a female student was walking eastbound on Adams Blvd from Flower St. (toward The Lorenzo Apartments) when she was pushed to the ground and her purse forcibly taken from her. The suspect then fled westbound toward Figueroa and out of view. Disposition: At approximately 2:30 PM on…Continue Reading Robbery Arrest
A female student was walking eastbound on Adams Blvd from Flower St. (toward The Lorenzo Apartments) when she was pushed to the ground and her purse forcibly taken from her. The suspect then fled westbound toward Figueroa and out of view. DATE & TIME OF OCCURRENCE: March 25, 2018 at approximately 3:32 A.M. LOCATION: Adams and…Continue Reading Robbery
Lewd Conduct and Indecent Exposure
As the victim (a female student) was walking past a parked vehicle, the suspect inside the vehicle honked the horn and rolled down the passenger window to get the victim’s attention. The victim approached the vehicle and the suspect exposed himself and made a lewd comment. The victim walked away from the vehicle and notified…Continue Reading Lewd Conduct and Indecent Exposure
Fondling/Sexual Battery
The victim/student reported the suspect followed her to the northeast corner of Figueroa Street and Exposition Blvd. and hit her buttocks with an open hand and fled the area on foot. SUSPECT DESCRIPTION (Provided by reporting party): Male, Hispanic, late 20’s to early 30’s, wearing black zip up sweater, camouflage blue t-shirt, wearing black backpack, black…Continue Reading Fondling/Sexual Battery
Robbery Arrest
At approximately 9:30 PM, a student was skateboarding in the 3500 block of Budlong Avenue when a vehicle pulled alongside of him and two suspects stepped out. One of the suspects brandished a knife and demanded the student’s property. The student complied and gave the suspect his property which included his wallet and his skateboard. …Continue Reading Robbery Arrest