While standing on the sidewalk in front of one of the victim’s residence, the victims were approached on foot by two suspects who displayed handguns and demanded the victims’ property.  The victims complied with the suspects’ demands.   The suspects were last seen running south on Scarff Street and then east on St. James Place.

DATE & TIME OF OCCURRENCE:  December 17, 2018, Approximately 10:00 PM

LOCATION:  2300 Block of Scarff Street (off campus)


Suspect #1: Male, Hispanic, 20-25, 5-9, black hair, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt
Suspect # 2: Male, Hispanic, 20-25, 5-7, dark hooded sweatshirt


If you are in immediate danger, call the LAPD at 9-1-1 or DPS at (213) 740-4321.

If you have information relevant to the crime(s) indicated in this Crime Alert call the Department of Public Safety (DPS) at (213) 740-6000 or the LAPD Southwest Division at (213) 485-6571.

The Department of Public Safety (DPS) issues warnings to the university community when a criminal incident occurs and represents a serious or continuing threat to students and employees. The purpose of this warning is to aid in the prevention of similar crimes by alerting the community about the incident so they may make informed decisions about their personal safety.

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