Moving Out for the Summer?

The Department of Public Safety and USC Housing have teamed up with the American Textile Recycling Services to accept your unwanted clothing, shoes, blankets, and bedding. Where Donation bins are available throughout the surrounding USC community. Click here to view a map of these locations. When Wednesday, May 1st through Wednesday, May 8th Be Smart…Continue Reading Moving Out for the Summer?

Burglary-Suspect in Custody

On April 3, 2019, a student was contacted by an unidentified male via social media who offered to return her stolen wallet for a fee.  The student had not reported the wallet theft to DPS. The student agreed and during the return of her property, the student secretly photographed the unidentified male.  The student then…Continue Reading Burglary-Suspect in Custody

Sexual Battery/Fondling

INCIDENT:  A female (non-student) was sitting at the bus stop at Jefferson and Hoover waiting for the bus when an adult male individual on a bicycle started circling around the bus stop. The victim became concerned, decided to get up and leave the area and when she did the individual on the bike approached her…Continue Reading Sexual Battery/Fondling


After reporting missing property to building security, a review of recorded camera images revealed an unknown suspect trying door handles on the student’s floor. Suspect entered the victim’s apartment while residents were sleeping via the unlocked front door, took a backpack and fled the scene. DATE & TIME OF OCCURRENCE: April 2, 2019, 5:28 AM.  …Continue Reading Burglary-Residential

Spring Safety Tips

To: USC Students, Faculty, and Staff, As we approach the end of the academic year, we would like to remind our campus community about staying safe: If you find yourself staying late on campus to study for finals, utilize Campus Cruiser or DPS to get home. ( Follow USC safety tips and be aware of…Continue Reading Spring Safety Tips