The victim (non-student) agreed to sell his laptop via an online marketplace and met the suspects in person in the 700 block of W 27th Street to complete the purchase. The suspects displayed a handgun and stole the victim’s laptop. The suspects then ran to their parked vehicle nearby and drove away.

DATE & TIME OF OCCURRENCE: Jan. 25, 2020 from 11-11:20 a.m.

LOCATION: 700 block of W 27th Street (off campus)


  • Suspect #1 is a 20-30-year-old black male who wore a blue shirt and black pants.
  • Suspect #2 is a 20-30-year-old black male who wore a gray shirt.

 SUSPECT VEHICLE: 2000-2007 silver Mercedes Benz with four doors (full-size)


While walking in the 1400 block of W 27th Street, the suspects approached the victim (student) from behind. One of the suspects grabbed the victim’s phone from his hand, and both suspects ran to a vehicle nearby. The vehicle then headed north on Catalina Street.

DATE & TIME OF OCCURRENCE: Jan. 25, 2020 at 1:30 p.m.

LOCATION: 1400 block of W 27th Street (off campus)


  • Suspect #1 is a 16-18-year-old Hispanic male who is between 5 feet 2 inches and 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 125 pounds.
  • Suspect #2 is a 16-18-year-old Hispanic male who is between 5 feet and 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 115 pounds.

SUSPECT VEHICLE: 2010-2015 silver BMW SUV

If you have information relevant to these crimes, please call the Department of Public Safety (DPS) at (213) 740-6000 or the Los Angeles Police Department Southwest Division at (213) 485-6571.

If you use an online marketplace to buy or sell goods, ask the individual(s) involved to complete the transaction at DPS. DPS is available 24/7 to help facilitate a safe transaction.

Help fight crime by reporting suspicious persons and/or activity to USC DPS immediately. Please note that race, ethnicity gender, and/or religious affiliation are NOT considered the basis for suspicion; only behaviors are considered suspicious.

 If you are in immediate danger, call the LAPD at 9-1-1 or DPS at (213) 740-4321.


Crime Alert #2020-002