Under the Clery Act, which requires the University to share certain information with the community, we are writing to share that a member of the University community has tested positive for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).  The positive test result is considered presumptive, pending confirmation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  The individual who tested positive was a caregiver at Keck Medical Center and is currently at home in self-quarantine.

USC medical professionals and administrators are working with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health to conduct an investigation of potential exposures.

The University has also learned that a second individual, a patient who has tested positive for COVID-19, is currently in isolation at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital.  While the second individual is not a member of the University community, and a notification is not required under the Clery Act, the hospital is within Keck Medicine of USC and we are sharing information about this case for the health and safety of the community.  Given the available information through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, we expect that there may be more cases in the coming days.

For any additional important or significant updates to available information, we will send notifications to our community via email. If you have questions, please call the USC COVID-19 Hotline: 213-740-6291 or email covid19@usc.edu. You can also check our website, https://sites.usc.edu/coronavirus/, for continuous updates and helpful information.

  • How can I help protect myself?
    Preventative steps recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and USC Student Health can be found at https://sites.usc.edu/coronavirus/medical-faq-oncovid-19-cases-and-exposures/
  • What if I suspect I have coronavirus?
    If you think you may have been exposed to coronavirus and have these flu-like symptoms (fever, shortness of breath or a cough), please call ahead before visiting a doctor’s office or emergency department. This will enable your care providers to determine the best way for you to receive care.
  • Students with symptoms:  Please contact USC Student Health at 213-740-9355 (WELL).
  • Faculty and staff with symptoms:  Please contact your medical provider.

Keck Medicine of USC and USC Verdugo Hills Hospital have established an employee hotline number and email (instructions for health care employees and related personnel of Keck Medicine of USC and USC-VHH employees): 323-442-5219 or employeehotline@med.usc.edu.