Keeping our USC community healthy and safe remain the highest priorities of the Department of Public Safety during this COVID-19 pandemic. Please be assured that DPS staff are continuing to patrol and provide high visibility on and off campus.

Security provided by Contemporary Services Corporation, known as CSC “Yellow-Jackets,” also remains in the community during their standard hours of operation. Lyft is available if you need transportation within the surrounding campus community.

Our secure parking program has been extended to May 1, 2020. If you are leaving the university area for an extended amount of time, you may register your vehicle online and park it at the Grand Avenue Parking Structure at no additional cost. For details, please go to

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the following safety tips:
• Do not let anyone into your building you do not know.
• Avoid leaving doors propped open, especially exterior gates.
• Take all your valuables with you when you leave your vehicle. If you must leave your valuables in your vehicle, make sure they are not in plain sight.
• Park in well-lit and highly trafficked areas. If possible, park in a USC parking lot.
• Be aware of your surroundings.

It is important to remember that if you see something, say something. Please report suspicious individuals or activity immediately to DPS UPC at 213-740-4321, DPS HSC at 323-442-1000 or LAPD at 911. We encourage you to program these numbers into your cell phone or send us a text using the LiveSafe mobile safety app.

For more information about campus issues during this time, please visit the university’s COVID-19 website.

Stay safe, be well and Fight On!