Description of Incident:
A USC Security Ambassador (Yellow Jacket) observed a man place what appeared to be a handgun into his waistband while arguing with a woman on the sidewalk. The Security Ambassador notified DPS.


DPS officers responded to the area and detained the male. Officers located a concealed, loaded firearm in the man’s waistband. The individual was taken into custody and transported to LAPD for booking on charges of carrying a concealed weapon. The individual is not affiliated with the university.

For information on how to avoid becoming a victim of a crime, please visit:

Date:        July 30, 2020
To:            University Park Campus Community
From:      Department of Public Safety (DPS)
Re:            Incident Resolution Notice (IRN) 2019-05
Date/Time:      July 29, 2020 at approximately 6 p.m.
Location:         1100 Block of 37th Place at approximately 6 p.m. (off-campus)

USC Department of Public Safety
3667 S. McClintock Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90089
(213) 740-6000 Non-Emergency
(213) 740-4321 Emergency