Description of Incident:
Two males parked at the southwest corner of Hoover Street and 30th Street, exited their car and fired several gunshots at a man on 30th Street. The suspects then ran back to their car and were last seen entering the southbound on-ramp to the 110 Freeway at Exposition Boulevard. The victim left the scene prior to the officers’ arrival.

Acting on video evidence provided by DPS, Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) detectives arrested both the driver and the suspect that had fired the gunshots. Both suspects were booked for investigation of aggravated assault by the LAPD.

Date:               Oct. 23, 2020
To:                  University Park Campus Community
From:              Department of Public Safety (DPS)
Re:                  Incident Resolution Notice 2020-11


Incident:          Aggravated Assault-Suspects in Custody
Date/Time       Oct. 7, 2020 at 1 a.m.
Location:         Hoover Street and 30th Street (off-campus)

For information on how not to be a victim, please visit:


USC Department of Public Safety
3667 S. McClintock Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90089
(213) 740-6000 Non-Emergency
(213) 740-4321 Emergency