Incident description: The victim was selling a laptop computer online and agreed to meet the suspect to complete the transaction. The suspect was seated in a vehicle. During the transaction, she began to drive off with the victim’s computer.

The victim held onto the computer and was dragged for approximately 20 feet. The suspect drove away with the victim’s property eastbound on 30th Street, then south on McClintock Avenue.

Time & date of incident: 1:55 p.m. on Nov. 27, 2020

Location: Off campus in the 1100 block of West 30th Street.

Suspect description: The suspect is a Black female, approximately 20-25 years old, 5 feet 3 inches to 5 feet 6 inches and weighing 250 pounds. She had braided hair with blonde highlights. She was wearing an orange and gray tie-dye shirt.

Suspect vehicle: Newer red four-door Nissan or Toyota sedan.

If you were in the vicinity during the time of this incident, the Department of Public Safety (DPS) asks for your help in identifying the suspect. If you have any information regarding this incident, please contact DPS at (213) 740-6000 or the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) at (213) 485-6571. If you are ever in immediate danger, call LAPD at 911 or DPS at (213) 740-4321.

DPS recommends that if you are planning to conduct a transaction with a stranger that you ask the person to meet you at the DPS station.

Please note that race, ethnicity, gender and/or religious affiliation are NOT considered the basis for suspicion; only behaviors are considered suspicious.

For information about how to respond during a robbery, please visit our What to do During a Robbery web page.