Incident resolution: After a lengthy pursuit, the suspect vehicle was stopped by officers from the Los Angeles Police Department.  After exchanging gunfire with officers, the suspect was found deceased inside his vehicle.

Incident description:  The suspect drove next to the first victim’s vehicle near Exposition Boulevard and Figueroa Street, shot and seriously wounded the victim. The suspect then drove to 28th Street and & Figueroa Street where he shot and killed a person.

Neither victim was a student.

Time & date of incident: 12:45 a.m. on April 27, 2021

Location:  Exposition Boulevard and Figueroa Street; 28th Street and Figueroa Street

USC Department of Public Safety
3667 S. McClintock Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90089
(213) 740-6000 Non-Emergency
(213) 740-4321 Emergency