Grand Theft

Incident description: The victim, who isn’t a student, advertised a Rolex watch for sale on an online marketplace. The victim agreed to drive to the location to meet the suspect. While the victim was seated in his car, the suspect reached through the open window, grabbed the watch, and ran to a waiting vehicle. Time &…Continue Reading Grand Theft


Incident description: The victim, who isn’t a student, advertised a Rolex watch on an online classifieds’ website. The suspect met the victim to make the purchase, displayed a handgun, and then stole the watch. The suspect then ran south through the apartment courtyard to the rear alley and out of view. Time & date of…Continue Reading Robbery


Incident description: The victim (not a student) rode his bike by three men sitting in an older model pickup truck. One of the men said, “Give me your bike or I am going to shoot you.” The suspect then grabbed the bike and placed it in the bed of the truck. The suspects then drove…Continue Reading Robbery