Attempted Kidnapping

Incident description: As the victim was walking northbound on Hoover Street at 29th Street, the suspect pulled over his vehicle near the victim. The suspect got out of the vehicle and grabbed the victim by the arm and attempted to pull her inside the car. Time & date of incident: 5:35 pm on Aug. 28,…Continue Reading Attempted Kidnapping

Burglary-Suspect in Custody

Incident description:  The suspect entered the victim’s house through the back door. The suspect then entered the victim’s room, removed the victim’s property and fled in an unknown direction. The victim’s roommate was in a separate room when she heard someone inside the house. She left her room to investigate when she heard the rear…Continue Reading Burglary-Suspect in Custody


Incident description: The suspect approached a homeless person while he was sleeping and began rifling through his property. As the victim woke up, the suspect struck him. The suspect then fled with the victim’s property in an unknown direction. Suspect description: Male, Black, 18 to 25 years of age, 5’ 10” tall, 170-180 lbs., wearing…Continue Reading Robbery

Lewd Conduct

Content warning: The content of this message includes language about lewd conduct that may be disturbing to some readers. Incident description: A USC student was inside the School of Architecture in the first floor hallway when the suspect approached her. The victim reported that the suspect exposed himself and made a sexual proposition. The suspect…Continue Reading Lewd Conduct


Incident description: The suspect entered the victim’s house through the back door. The suspect then entered the victim’s room, removed the victim’s property and fled in an unknown direction. The victim’s roommate was in a separate room when she heard someone inside the house. She left her room to investigate when she heard the rear…Continue Reading Burglary