Incident description: The suspect entered the students’ residence through an unlocked rear door and awakened a student asleep in her bedroom and demanded her phone. The suspect also took another student’s backpack before he fled. The suspect then entered a second home where he was confronted by a student. The suspect apologized and ran from the location.

DATE & TIME OF OCCURRENCE: 11/26/2021 8:08 a.m.

LOCATION: Off campus in the 1100 block of W. 27th Street and the 2600 block of Magnolia Ave

Incident Resolution: After being provided with a description of the suspect by the first student, officers from the USC Department of Public Safety and the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) located and arrested the suspect in the neighborhood. The suspect remains in the custody of the LAPD.


SUSPECT DESCRIPTION (provided by reporting party):

Age: 42
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5 feet 9 inches tall
Race: Black
Sex: Male
Weight: 215
Additional Description: Suspect appears to be unhoused
Weapon: None

If you are in immediate DANGER, call the Los Angeles Police Department at 911 or the USC Department of Public Safety at (213) 740-4321.

Please note that race, ethnicity, gender and/or religious affiliation are NOT considered the basis for suspicion; only behaviors are considered suspicious.

If you have information relevant to the crime(s) reflected in this alert, immediately call DPS at (213) 740-6000 for the University Park Campus (UPC), (323) 442-1000 for the Health Sciences Campus (HSC) or (213) 485-6571 for the LAPD Southwest Division.

The purpose of this warning is to aid in the prevention of similar crimes by alerting the community about the incident and to provide information which allows individuals to make informed decisions about their personal safety.

USC Department of Public Safety Recommendations – Robbery

  • Not every person you meet has good intentions. Be cautious of strangers and keep a safe distance. There is safety in numbers, so travel with friends.
  • Avoid using cell phones or other technology while walking as criminals target distracted, inattentive individuals using them.
  • If you are the victim of a robbery remain calm and do not resist. Assure the robber you will cooperate and take no action that may jeopardize your safety. Do not make any quick or unexpected movements. Follow the robber’s direction, but do not offer more than they ask for. Don’t argue with the robber.
  • After the robbery, go immediately to a safe location and report the crime to law enforcement. Call DPS emergency for UPC at (213) 740-4321, for HSC call (323) 442-1000 or call 911 for LAPD.
  • If you observe a crime in progress, STAY CALM AND CALL DPS emergency for UPC at (213) 740-4321, for HSC call (323) 442-1000 or call 911 for LAPD.
  • Be a good witness: It is important to recall what you observed and provide as many details as possible to law enforcement such as: the sex, race, age, height, hair color, clothing, tattoos, scars of any suspects and a description of the make and model of any vehicle used in the crime and its license plate if possible.
  • Do not attempt to apprehend any suspects or perpetrators of crime.

Other options to contact DPS, to report crime, ask for help and to receive information:

  • Blue light emergency phones are located throughout UPC and HSC. The phones are connected to the USC DPS’ 24-hour communications center and identify the phone location if the caller is unable to speak. The phones can be used to request help, an escort, report suspicious activity and to report crimes. For more information visit: Emergency Blue Light Phones | Department of Public Safety | USC.
  • Security Ambassadors : In addition to DPS officers who patrol a 2.5 mile radius around USC’s campuses, USC contracts with “Security Ambassadors” to patrol street corners in nearby neighborhoods and to observe and report crime and suspicious activity. This security force wears bright yellow jackets so you can easily spot them. If you need assistance, look for a Security Ambassador.
  • Get a Ride: Lyft is now available at HSC and UPC to cover shared rides. Lyft at UPC is open from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. seven days a week. Lyft at HSC is open from 5 p.m. to midnight, Monday through Friday only. Please visit the USC Lyft page for more information:
  • Verify your driver and car: Once you have requested a Lyft ride, you can view the driver’s rating. When your ride arrives, make sure the driver’s photo, license plate number and vehicle description match. Never take a ride you did not request or get into a car that doesn’t match the details provided by the Lyft app.
  • Go the extra mile : The Lyft app’s “share your ETA” function allows you to invite friends to see your trip in real-time. The app will draft a text message you can share with friends that includes your ETA and a link to a live map that allows them to track your trip. Too much effort? Call a friend and stay on the line while you’re in the car instead.
  • LiveSafe APP: To quickly make emergency push button calls to DPS or 911 on your mobile phone, download the Trojan Mobile Safety APP “LIVESAFE” from Google Play or the Apple iTunes Store. For more information regarding LIVESAFE visit
  • TrojansAlert: Register for USC’s emergency notification system TrojansAlert to allow university officials to contact you during an emergency by sending messages via text message and email. For more information visit: (Please note that students, staff and faculty automatically are signed up for TrojansAlerts.)