Incident Description: A student was standing at the Metro train platform when he was approached by a group of approximately eight individuals. The main suspect demanded the student’s backpack. The student did not surrender his backpack and fled, running northbound on Trousdale Parkway through campus. The group did not pursue him.

Incident Resolution: Upon further investigation, it was concluded that no attempted robbery occurred.

DATE & TIME OF OCCURRENCE: 02/17/2022 9:15 p.m.

LOCATION: Off-Campus, at the Metro train platform on Exposition Boulevard and Trousdale Parkway



SUSPECT DESCRIPTION (provided by reporting party):

A description of the suspect was not provided.

If you are in immediate DANGER, call the Los Angeles Police Department at 911 or the USC Department of Public Safety at (213) 740-4321.

Please note that race, ethnicity, gender and/or religious affiliation are NOT considered the basis for suspicion; only behaviors are considered suspicious.

If you have information relevant to the crime(s) reflected in this alert, immediately call DPS at (213) 740-6000 for the University Park Campus (UPC), (323) 442-1000 for the Health Sciences Campus (HSC) or (213) 485-6571 for the LAPD Southwest Division.

The purpose of this warning is to aid in the prevention of similar crimes by alerting the community about the incident and to provide information which allows individuals to make informed decisions about their personal safety.