Shaking Up the Votes: How Fragile are Gerrymandering Metrics?
- (Journal Submission in Progress!)
- Github Repo
Team Members
- Yongjia Wang, MA Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Mengchu Yue, BS Applied and Computational Mathematics, USC
- Joshua Zhong, BS Mathematics, Harvey-Mudd
Advisors: Profs. Andrew Daw, Vishal Gupta, Angela Zhou

Examining Racial Diversity in Jury Summons Process
- A Cool Visualization Rae built!
Advisee: Rebeca “Rae” Eastham, BA in Mathematics and Political Science, California Lutheran University
Advisors: Profs. Andrew Daw, Vishal Gupta, Angela Zhou
Confidence Calibration of Large Language Models
Advisee: Noam Michaels, BA Data Science, UC Berkeley
Advisor: Prof. Jacob Bien

Distribution-Free Uncertainty Estimation in Time Series Forecasting
Advisee: Romir Kant, BA Mathematics-Computer Science, UC San Diego
Advisor: Prof. Matteo Sesia
Advisee: Luis Bravo, Santa Monica College
Advisor: Prof. Jacob Bien