Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must:

  • Be a rising senior in mathematics, computer science, statistics, industrial engineering, or another STEM field. (Exceptional rising juniors may also be considered).
  • Attend the entire program (including SoCal OR-OM Conference) in person

Application Materials (Deadline: Friday, 28 March 2025)

Please email Paromita Dubey, Dennis Shen and Angela Zhou (dsosummerscholars@gmail.com ) with the subject line: “2025 USC Summer Scholars in OM and Data Science” with the following materials:

  • CV or Resume
  • Unofficial Transcript (copies are ok)
  • Brief (1-2 pages) personal statement.  You should
    • Explain why you’re interested in the program
    • Tell us about your plans for graduate study (which fields, what types of programs, what are your goals)
    • Detail any past experience you have with research
  • Letter of support from a faculty member. If they prefer, your faculty can email their letter directly to Paromita Dubey, Dennis Shen and Angela Zhou <dsosummerscholars@gmail.com>.