* denotes equal contribution; # denotes co-senior author; ^ denotes co-corresponding author
- Cousins T^, Durvasula A^. Insufficient evidence for a severe bottleneck in humans during the Early to Middle Pleistocene transition. Molecular Biology and Evolution.
- Durvasula A^, Price AL^. Distinct explanations underlie gene-environment interactions in the UK Biobank. American Journal of Human Genetics.
- IGVF Consortium. Deciphering the impact of genomic variation on function. Nature.
- Cousins T, Tabin D, Patterson N, Reich D, Durvasula A. Accurate inference of population history in the presence of background selection. bioRxiv 2024.
- Jiang X, Zhang MJ*, Zhang Y*, Durvasula A*, Inouye M, Holmes C, Price AL, McVean G. Age-dependent topic modelling of comorbidities in UK Biobank identifies disease subtypes with differential genetic risk. Nature Genetics.
- Wei X, Robles CR, Pazokitoroudi A, Ganna A, Gusev A, Durvasula A, Gazal S, Loh PR, Reich D, Sankararaman S. The lingering effects of Neanderthal introgression on human complex traits. eLife.
- Zhang X, Kim B, Singh A, Sankararaman S, Durvasula A#, Lohmueller KE#. MaLAdapt Reveals Novel Targets of Adaptive Introgression From Neanderthals and Denisovans in Worldwide Human Populations. Molecular Biology and Evolution.
- Zhang MJ^, Durvasula A^*, Chiang C^*, Koch EM, Strober BJ, Shi H, Barton AR, Kim SS, Weissbrod O, Loh PR, Gazal S, Sunyaev S^, Price AL^. Pervasive correlations between causal disease effects of proximal SNPs vary with functional annotations and implicate stabilizing selection. medRxiv 2023.
- Huang B, Durvasula A, Mousavi N, Ziaei-Jam H, Maksimov M, Lohmueller KE, Gymrek M. Genome-wide selection inference at short tandem repeats. bioRxiv 2022.
- Molloy EK, Durvasula A, Sankararaman S. Advancing admixture graph estimation via maximum likelihood network orientation. Bioinformatics.
- Durvasula A, Lohmueller KE. Negative selection on complex traits limits phenotype prediction accuracy between populations. American Journal of Human Genetics.
- Boocock J, Sadhu MJ, Durvasula A, Bloom JS, Kruglyak L. Ancient balancing selection maintains incompatible versions of the galactose pathway in yeast. Science.
- Adrion JR, Cole CB, Dukler N, Galloway JG, Gladstein AL, Gower G, Kyriazis CC, Ragsdale AP, Tsambos G, Baumdicker F, Carlson J, Cartwright RA, Durvasula A, Gronau I, Kim BY, McKenzie P, Messer PW, Noskova E, Ortega-Del Vecchyo D, Racimo F, Struck TJ, Gravel S, Gutenkunst RN, Lohmueller KE, Ralph PL, Schrider DR, Siepel A, Kelleher J, Kern AD. A community-maintained standard library of population genetic models. eLife.
- Durvasula A, Sankararaman S. Recovering signals of ghost archaic introgression in African populations. Science Advances.
- Durvasula A, Sankararaman S. A statistical model for reference-free inference of archaic local ancestry. PLoS Genetics.
- Huber CD*, Durvasula A*, Hancock AM, Lohmueller KE. Gene expression drives the evolution of dominance. Nature Communications.
- Schweizer RM, Durvasula A, Smith J, Vohr SH, Stahler DR, Galaverni M, Thalmann O, Smith DW, Randi E, Ostrander EA, Green RE, Lohmueller KE, Novembre J, Wayne RK. Natural Selection and Origin of a Melanistic Allele in North American Gray Wolves. Molecular Biology and Evolution.
- Schumer M, Xu C, Powell DL, Durvasula A, Skov L, Holland C, Blazier JC, Sankararaman S, Andolfatto P, Rosenthal GG, Przeworski M. Natural selection interacts with recombination to shape the evolution of hybrid genomes. Science.
- Durvasula A*, Fulgione A*, Gutaker RM, Alacakaptan SI, Flood PJ, Neto C, Tsuchimatsu T, Burbano HA, Picó FX, Alonso-Blanco C, Hancock AM. African genomes illuminate the early history and transition to selfing in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.
- Durvasula A*, Hoffman PJ*, Kent TV, Liu C, Kono TJ, Morrell PL, Ross-Ibarra J. angsd-wrapper: utilities for analysing next-generation sequencing data. Molecular Ecology Resources.
- Beissinger TM, Wang L, Crosby K, Durvasula A, Hufford MB, Ross-Ibarra J. Recent demography drives changes in linked selection across the maize genome. Nature Plants.