- Professor Pedram and a multi-university team of researchers win this year’s NSF Expedition in Computing award in April 2022 (link to NSF announcement, link to USC-Viterbi announcement).
- A half-day workshop at ISCA 2022 will focus on the DISCoVER Expedition and its research agenda with invited speakers covering various topics from superconductive devices to systems (link).
- Professor Yang gives a short course in 2021 VLSI-TSA on “AI-Devices to systems: Resistive Switching Materials and Devices” for Bio-Inspired Computing in April 2021 (link).
- Professor Pedram is awarded a subcontract from DARPA MTO to develop next-generation homomorphic computing solutions, 2020.
- Professor Yang receives an NSF ASCENT award to develop 3D memristor convolutional kernels with diffusive memristor-based reservoir for real-time machine learning, 2020.
- Professor Yang is awarded an AFOSR MURI project to develop Brain-inspired networks for multifunctional intelligent systems in aerial vehicles, 2019.
- Professor Pedram receives an NSF award to develop an energy-efficient neural network accelerator, 2019.
- Professor Pedram is awarded an IARPA SuperTools program research funding for developing design automation technologies and tools for VLSI integration of Superconductor Electronics, 2017.