Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the Festival of Books?
A: The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books began with a simple goal: to bring together the people who create books with the people who love to read them. The festival was an immediate success and has evolved in its physical form to include live bands, poetry readings, film screenings and artists creating their work on-site.

Q: How can I attend a festival event?
A: Most events are free to attend. All indoor programming conversation tickets will be free but a nominal service fee will be charged. You must have a ticket to attend an indoor event. However, a limited number of tickets are available onsite at our ticketing booth. Saturday tickets are available at 10 AM on Saturday and Sunday tickets are available on Sunday at 10 AM.
• Tickets are non-refundable.

Q: When can I reserve tickets for the 2024 event at USC? 
A:  Advance tickets will be available along with other benefits on March 15, 2024, with the purchase of one of our Friend of the Festival passes. Tickets for indoor events will be widely available the week before the festival.

Q: Is there a waitlist or standby line for indoor events? 
A: Standby lines are formed at each Festival indoor venue and if seats are still available at the start of an indoor program, people from the standby line will be allowed in without a ticket.

Q:  Do I need a ticket to attend an outdoor stage event? 
A: NO. Outdoor programming on stages does not require a ticket.

Q: Can I ask questions of the authors during the events?
A: Traditionally, microphones are set up in the venue aisleways so that attendees may line up and ask questions of the participants. We will work closely with L.A. County officials and USC to ensure we are following all applicable health and safety protocols in regard to audience questions at the spring event.

Q: How do I buy the authors’ books, and will the authors sign their books?
A: We strongly encourage you to purchase at least one book from the Festival exhibitors at the signing areas before getting in the signing lines in order to support the independent bookstores that make up such a large and important part of the Festival and our communities. Purchasing books at the Festival is a way you directly impact the success of these stores and the Festival.

  • You can purchase copies of the author’s books from booksellers set up near each signing area.
  • You may bring your own books from home.
  • Tip: While you are waiting, write the name of the person you’d like the book inscribed to on piece of paper, for correct spelling.
  • Actual items the authors agree to sign will be at their discretion.
  • Each guest may have no more than three books/items to be signed by each author at a time before having to go back and rejoin the line for additional signed book/item requests.

Q: How can authors participate in a panel or other program this year?
A: Writers who wish to be considered for the Festival of Books can apply here.

Due to the large number of submissions received, the Author Committee is unable to reply to each email. Should you be selected to be a part of the festival program, you will hear back no later than March 1, 2024.

Q: Do you need volunteers for the 2024 Festival?
A: Thank you for asking, YES! The festival would not be possible without the support and dedication of our incredible volunteer force. Please submit an application to volunteer here.