2025-2026 USC Good Neighbors Grant Application will open on Wednesday, February 26, 2025. Submission deadline is Monday, March 24, 2025 by 4:59 PM (PST)

This is an exciting year as USC Good Neighbors celebrates its 30th anniversary. Since its inception, Good Neighbors has raised over $30 million to support positive social impact in the neighborhoods surrounding the University Park (UPC) and Health Sciences (HSC) campuses. Over 1,000 grants have been funded to local nonprofits and community programs to support the well-being of our neighbors. We are proud of our partnerships, partners, and university staff and faculty contributors committed to making a positive impact by working alongside our communities.

Building on this legacy of support and collaboration, Good Neighbors is evolving to amplify its impact through:

  • Flexible Service Areas to expand partnership opportunities. We are pleased to have greater flexibility to expand our collective impact and support our communities around the UPC and HSC campuses. Services can now be rendered at any location, including outside of the service areas. Organizations may also be headquartered outside of the service areas. Grant proposals must demonstrate how Good Neighbors funds will serve a population consisting of at least 50% of persons who live, work, study, or worship within the service areas surrounding one of the two campuses.
  • Pilot Nonprofit Accelerator Program to increase community engagement and strengthen nonprofit organizational and program capacity.  Our pilot accelerator program connects additional university resources to up to five funded organizations. Participating grantees will co-design the program to support initiatives that address community needs, build organizational and program capacity, provide volunteer support, or other related activities. Funded programs will be eligible.
  • Pilot Trojan Grant Program to enhance community-based initiatives is being considered. Eligible organizations will receive a letter of invitation to apply for a grant (in the range of $5K – $10K). Proposals should meet Good Neighbors eligibility requirements and support program funding priorities.

Good Neighbors values and will continue seeking feedback from community partners and supporters to co-design future grant applications.

This year, USC Good Neighbors will award over $900,000 to community initiatives that align with the Good Neighbors priority areas and serve our neighbors.

We welcome your partnership to help strengthen our communities. We invite interested organizations serving the neighborhoods surrounding USC’s University Park and Health Science Campus to apply.

Grant applications undergo a rigorous review process with funding decisions made by the Good Neighbors Grant Review Committee.

Grant applications should be accessed and submitted online at CommonGrantApplication.com. Please register or begin your USC Good Neighbors grant application at the following Common Grant Application links:

Register as a first-time user
Log in as a returning user

USC Good Neighbors Grant Timeline 

Grant Application Opens: Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Grant Information Webinar: Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. Please join the webinar here.

Grant Deadline: Monday, March 24, 2025, by 4:59 PM Pacific Standard Time

Grant Awards Announced: July 2025 

USC Good Neighbors Initiatives

Proposed programs should meet one or more of USC Good Neighbors community initiatives serving the neighborhoods surrounding the University Park and Health Sciences campuses. 

EDUCATION: Improve the quality of K-12 education to enhance the quality of life for children and their families (e.g. college access, performing and visual arts, STEAM, financial literacy)

HEALTH AND WELLNESS: Improve individual’s health outcomes (e.g. obesity, diabetes, sports, exercise, nutrition, mental health for community members of all ages, conflict resolution, community and youth service groups)

WORKFORCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Promote economic development programs including certificate programs, job placement, workforce training, entrepreneurial and small business development, and employability enhancement for residents.

SUSTAINABILITY: Promote sustainability efforts to improve and make a positive impact on the environment in our local communities (e.g. services, support, and resources to address issues of food access, and support for unhoused individuals)

Note: All proposals will be given equal consideration. There is no specific advantage to supporting one or multiple priority areas.

Grant Eligibility

The focus of USC Good Neighbors grants is to support efforts that address community needs in the neighborhoods surrounding USC’s University Park and/or Health Sciences campuses. University-community partnerships that meet the following eligibility criteria will be considered:

  • Proposed programs that support one or more of USC Good Neighbors community initiatives. These initiatives align with USC’s university-community initiatives.
  • Proposed programs that provide services within the neighborhoods surrounding the University Park and Health Sciences campuses will be considered, including proposed programs demonstrating how Good Neighbors funding will serve a population consisting of at least 50% of persons who live, work, study, or worship in the service areas (See service area maps here: UPC and HSC).
  • USC Good Neighbors funds partnerships between USC employees, schools, student organizations, and other university departments and community-based, tax-exempt organizations providing services in the neighborhoods surrounding the University Park and Health Sciences campuses. University-community partnerships are encouraged. Flexibility will be given to grant applications that do not specify a partner (community organization or USC partner) at the time of application. Applications with a complete partnership at the time of submission will be given priority. Upon selection for funding, awarded grant applications will require a minimum of a Lead USC Partner, a Lead Community Partner, and a fiscal agent. Please see below for a description of these roles:

The Lead Community Partner is a community-based, tax-exempt organization operating in the neighborhoods surrounding the University Park and Health Sciences campuses (e.g. nonprofit community center, K-12 school, nonprofit technology center). The Lead Community Partner’s tax determination letter is requested as proof of nonprofit 501(c)3 status.

The Lead USC Partner is an employee of USC who is benefits-eligible, a group of employees, unit, department, school, student organization, or combination thereof who is eligible to apply for a USC Good Neighbors grant.

Funding may be used for both operating and program costs up to 50% each per grant request.

Funding may not be used for research projects, capital projects, assessments, or surveys.

Funding may only be disbursed to a non-profit partner or approved fiscal agent and will not be issued to a USC account.

Funding may not be used to compensate or pay stipends/wages for USC faculty or staff. USC faculty and staff time may be integrated as “in-kind” in the program budget.

Funds cannot be sub-granted or re-granted, and may not be used to fund scholarships, although small program participation incentives can be considered.

Please ensure your application is complete! Carefully review and follow all eligibility, guidelines, and instructions to ensure a complete application. Complete and upload ALL required grant application attachments as noted in the grant instructions. Please note the  CommonGrantApplication.com system will automatically close on the grant deadline: Monday, March 24, 2025 by 4:59 PM PST. Due to the high volume of grant applications, unfortunately, we are unable to consider incomplete or late submissions.

Please visit our Grant Application FAQ’s page for additional information.