Dilip da Cunha

  • Headshot of Dilip Da Cunha

  • Image from Mississippi Floods. Image credit: Mathur | Da Cunha
  • Image from Soak. Image credit: Mathur | Da Cunha
  • Image from Ocean of Rain. Image credit: Mathur | Da Cunha

Dilip da Cunha

Adjunct Professor, Columbia University and Principal of Mathur | da Cunha


Dilip da Cunha, an architect and planner, has taught at the University of Pennsylvania, Parsons School of Design and Harvard University. He is currently Adjunct Professor at GSAPP, Columbia University.
Da Cunha is recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship for 2020. He is author with Anuradha Mathur of Mississippi Floods: Designing a Shifting Landscape (2001); Deccan Traverses: The Making of Bangalore’s Terrain (2006); Soak: Mumbai in an Estuary (2009) and co-editors of Design in the Terrain of Water (2014). His most recent book, The Invention of Rivers: Alexander’s Eye and Ganga’s Descent (2019), draws attention to rivers as a consequence of one of the most fundamental acts in the design of human habitation, namely, the separation of land from water. Da Cunha with Mathur is currently working on a book and exhibition titled Ocean of Rain.