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Trainees and their mentors are expected to participate in all program activities (such as symposia, seminars, workshops, journal club meetings, annual retreats, etc) throughout their entire tenure at USC, not just during the years when they are being supported by the program.

Training Advisory Committees and Individual Development Plans

All trainees are required to form and meet with their HCN Training Advisory Committee during the years they are supported by the training grant. At a minimum, this committee consists of their advisor and two additional HCN preceptors. Committee members are chosen by the student, in consultation with their advisor. A major goal is to have at least one faculty member from outside their home department.

Trainees must have at least two meetings per year with their Training Advisory Committee starting approximately 2 months after they are appointed to the grant (i.e., soon after they form their committee). Committee meetings should generally include discussions of (i) research progress; (ii) progress towards grant submission; (iii) coursework and other training activities; and (iv) future plans, both immediate and longer term, using the IDP as a guide (see below). After each meeting, the trainee should submit a summary of the meeting using the provided form (see Resources).

Each trainee is required to prepare an Individual Development Plan (IDP) and distribute it to their Training Advisory Committee. In addition to a research update/presentation, a discussion of the IDP is a major focus of the committee’s oversight. A second major goal of these meetings is to develop a competitive NRSA proposal (F31 or F32) or equivalent (see below).

Research Presentations and Journal Clubs

To hone their communication and presentation skills, all trainees are required to give two oral presentations (formal research talks) per year: one at the weekly HCN/Otolaryngology Seminar Series (~40 mins) and one at the Annual Research Retreat (~20 mins). In addition, trainees give more informal presentations at the semi-annual meetings of their HCN Training Advisory Committee.

Reading and critiquing the scientific literature is a vital skill often neglected in degree programs that emphasize lecture courses. All HCN trainees are required to participate and present in one or more journal clubs that meet regularly (at least once per month throughout the year) to discuss research papers, both current and historical.

Writing a Grant Application

All trainees are required to write/submit an individual NRSA F32 or F31 (or equivalent) application during their first year of training in the HCN program. (Trainees can petition the HCN Executive Committee for an exception to this rule if they and their advisor agree that a later application is beneficial for their career progress.) The HCN program holds grant-writing workshops each year to help with the process, and a major goal of the Trainee Advisory Committee meetings is to develop a competitive NRSA proposal (F31 or F32) or equivalent (see below).

A draft of the grant application must be submitted as part of a trainee’s renewal application.

Core Course

All trainees must take the HCN Core Course, which is offered in spring semesters in alternate years – most recently in 2024; All trainees must also take Ethics and Accountability in Biomedical Research (INTD 500, or equivalent), offered every summer and fall.

All pre-doctoral trainees must have already taken, or will take in their first year, NEUR 524; trainees may apply to the Executive Committee requesting to substitute BISC 421 for NEUR 524.

Progress Reports and Renewal Applications

Trainees must submit semi-annual cumulative progress reports using the provided form (see Resources). For those requesting renewal of their HCN support, this report serves as a component of the renewal application (see Applications).

One report is due midway through the Fellowship year (usually at the end of December, for those starting in July) and the other is due at the end (or by May 15, for renewal applications).

In a nutshell, the progress report consists of the following:

  • A brief (1-2 paragraph) description of research progress
  • A cumulative summary of your training/educational activities, including relevant coursework and journal clubs
  • A statement of progress towards application for an individual NRSA (or equivalent)
  • A cumulative list of publications, abstracts, and other presentations throughout the period of your training support, including HCN-sponsored seminars and events.

The additional requirements for renewal applications are listed under Applications.

Acknowledgment of Support

Please acknowledge HCN support in all posters, talks, and journal articles. (Supported by NIH grant T32 DC009975.)