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Identification of Loading Deficits Outside a Research Laboratory

Knee loading deficits such as decreased limb loading, knee extensor moments and power following ACLr are observed across tasks and throughout recovery.  The fact that they are often present in the absence of observable deficits in joint excursions, particularly in early rehabilitation, makes them difficult to detect clinically. Difficulty detecting loading deficits may underlie their long-term persistence. While recent advances in technology may provide less expensive mechanisms for detecting loading deficits it is imperative that we understand how the information provided through technology relates to the deficits we aim to detect. 


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Pratt KA, Sigward SM. Inertial Sensor Angular Velocities Reflect Dynamic Knee Loading during Single Limb Loading in Individuals following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Sensors, 18 (10), 3460, 2018.

Havens K, Ebner S, Prat KM, Sigward SM. Accelerations from Wearable Accelerometers Reflect Knee Loading During Running after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction, Clinical Biomechanics, 58:57-61, 2018

Pratt KA, Sigward SM. Detection of Knee Power Deficits Following ACL Reconstruction Using Wearable Sensors, Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 48(11), 895-902, 2018

Sigward SM,  Neamat Allah NH. Segment angular velocities predict lower extremity joint power during a triple hop task: Implications for clinical tests. In progress

Sigward SM, Chan M-S and Lin PE. Characterizing Knee Loading Asymmetry in Individuals Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Using Inertial Sensors. Gait & Posture, 49: 114-119, 2016

Sigward SM, Havens KH, Powers CM. The relation between knee separation distance and lower extremity kinematics during a drop land: Implications for clinical screening. Journal of Athletic Training, 46(5): 471-75, 2011

Funding: Boston Rehabilitation Outcomes Measurement Pilot Project, 3/2014-2/2015 ($30,000)