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Current Programs and Degrees at SJSU



IC CAE Scholars

21 Scholars were selected after an application process for the 2021-2022 academic year, representing both the college of social sciences and sciences. In addition 2 graduate students were awarded a $3,000 scholarship and 2 undergraduate students were awarded a $2,000 scholarship. Scholars are active in mentorship, directed research and Intelligence Community programming.
3.0 GPA
Attend 4-6 workshops per semester
To apply please contact Dr. Curtis Asplund (

Big Data and Cybersecurity at SJSU

As Silicon Valley’s foremost public university, San José State University is committed to excellence in both big data and cyber defense fields. Since 2014, SJSU’s Silicon Valley Big Data and Cybersecurity Center (BDCC) has worked to create a nexus of academic and industry expertise through multidisciplinary collaboration with more than 40 full-time and adjunct faculty members across the university and partners in Silicon Valley companies. The adjunct faculty members are working subject matter experts in big data and cybersecurity.

The BDCC is focused on program development, especially as teaching and research have strong public and private interest and support. Currently housed in SJSU’s College of Professional and Global Education, the Center stands out – in front of others in these two fields – as a designated and recognized unit working in the very areas that are impacting security, commerce, and the flow of information in the United States today.

The Burdick Military History Project

The Burdick Project is named after Professor Charles B. Burdick, to honor his memory and his contribution to the study of military history. The Project has sponsored numerous lectures, panels and talks, including the annual Charles Burdick Memorial Military History Symposium, held every spring since 1996.  Topics have included African-Americans in the military, Women in the Military, the Military History of Iraq, SJSU at War; and our most recent event, a panel discussion “Writing Military History,” which included four local writers of popular military history. We also sponsor the annual Harry Gailey Memorial Lecture on a military campaign, as well as other presentations.  We also provide support for the Air Force and Army ROTC, military recruiters, and the SJSU Veterans Student Organization. We have donated material for a number of university exhibits, including the 150th anniversary and a recent one in Special Collections on World War II posters. For more information click [here].

The Master of Science in Software Engineering with Specialization in Cybersecurity program was launched for employees of Cisco Systems Inc. in Fall 2014 and expanded to the general public in Fall 2017. SJSU has integrated cybersecurity courses into various bachelor and master degree programs, such as Business, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Electrical Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Library and Information Science, and Psychology.

The Master of Science in Data Analytics program was launched in Fall 2018. This program provides students from diverse academic and professional backgrounds with the advanced education necessary to draw insights from real data to apply analytical skills to solve real-world problems. Executives and domain experts from more than 20 Silicon Valley companies have collaborated with SJSU professors in developing curricula, lecturing classes, delivering seminars, advising projects, and supervising internships.

Degrees and Certificates

Foreign Language Programs


Students Organizations

  • Air Corps Leadership Club
  • AlMAS
  • Black Alliance of Scientist and Engineers
  • Black Honor Society
  • Black Male Collective
  • Black Student Union
  • Black Women Collective
  • Cyber Spartans
  • Data Science Club
  • Forensic Science Students
  • Hacker Dojo Makers
  • Her Campus SJSU
  • M.E.Ch.A de SJSU
  • Military Student’s Association
  • San Jose State University Chapter of the Society of Asian Scientist and Engineers
  • Society of Latino Engineers and Scientist
  • Society of Women Engineers
  • Veterans Student Organization