2025 I-NUF Registration Fees

Registration TypeEarly Bird Registration by February 23, 2025Registration Fee after February 23, 2025
Program Committee*$725$775
Track Chairs*$700$750

*Program committee and track chair members should register with the email address used for communication with I-NUF conference coordinators. Should you have any trouble unlocking the special rates above, please contact Devin Martinez at devin.martinezflores-sa@csulb.edu.

Reduced Registration Rates

Non-student participants from countries classified as “low income” to “upper middle income” by the World Bank can register for the INUF conference at the student rate, and students from those countries can register at one-half the student rate. This includes participants from all countries not classified as “high income” by the World Bank. For a list of World Bank countries by income, see the third paragraph of this web site, https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/articles/906519-world-bank-country-and-lending-groups.

After determining your eligibility, please contact Devin Martinez at devin.martinezflores@csulb.edu for a unique one-time discount code to use on the Whova registration page.