Research Clusters
The Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research (IPR) is an organized research unit of the University of Southern California. IPR is recognized for its strength in health behavior and disease prevention research with 6 key research clusters.
Prevention Methodology
Methodology research at the Institute for Prevention Research seeks to develop and test new assessment and analytic approaches for understanding complex health behaviors.
Prevention at IPR looks at the prevention of multiple health risk behaviors. Multiple health risk behaviors are behaviors that lead to adverse health later in life such as various cancers and heart disease. Primary prevention at IPR focuses on adolescent prevention programs as this is the key age to start preventing the development of multiple health risk behaviors.
Substance Use
Substance Use research at the Institute of Preventive Research analyzes the social, environmental underpinnings of substance use among individuals and communities. A current research study that is being conducted looks to evaluate developmental changes drug use and long-term effects of a comprehensive community-based drug use prevention program. Additional studies include looking at smoking cessation problems among Korean- Americans.
Health Disparity/Equity
Health disparity research explores challenges and problems among diverse populations in the United States and in the world. The research done on health disparities at USC involves comprehensive educational, research and community outreach to eliminate health disparities amongst minorities locally, regionally, and nationally. Current research studies look at linking dynamic environments with childhood obesity. Also, the ACS Mentored Research Scholar Grant, which has two primary objectives looks to better understand the effects of individual, sociocultural and locational contexts on cigarette smoking among Korean American adults, utilizing mobile based ecological momentary assessment. And the second objective is to design an innovative, ecological momentary intervention tailored to Korean Americans who smoke.