Itay Hen – Recent Talks

>> Optimal quantum simulations of Hamiltonians with symmetries”}, ISQED 2024, San Francisco, CA, April 2024 (invited).

>> New phases of matter from quantum simulations of periodically driven systems, IMPAQT performer meeting, Virtual, March 2024.

>> QMC of everything: A universal algorithm for simulating arbitrary quantum many-body systems, ECE Seminar at USC, Los Angeles CA, November 2023.

>> A Monte Carlo algorithm for calculating the overlap between ground states, APS March Meeting 2024, Minneapolis, MN, March 2024.

>> QMC of everything: A universal algorithm for simulating arbitrary quantum many-body systems, IPAM Workshop: Many-body Quantum Systems via Classical and Quantum Computation, Los Angeles CA, November 2023 (invited).

>> “Simulating Hamiltonian Dynamics with the Off-diagonal Series Expansion”, Q-CASA 2023, University of St. Petersburg, FL, May 2023 (invited).

>> “Challenges in evaluating the economic impact of quantum computing funding”, Economics of Quantum Info Tech conference, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, May 2023 (invited).

>> “Mitigating the sign problem with Permutation Matrix Representation quantum Monte Carlo”, APS March Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, March 2023.

>> “Calculating functions of extremely large matrices: methods and applications, ISI's CS&T Monthly meeting, Marina del Rey/virtual, CA, January 2023.

>> “Calculating elements of very large matrix-functions with the off-diagonal series expansion”, QCAT close-out meeting, Oak Ridge, TN, December 2022.

>> “The sign problem, non-stoquasticity and everything in between”, APS March meeting, virtual, March 2022 (invited).

>> “Quantum simulations in the NISQ era: Simulating Hamiltonian dynamics on a quantum computer using the off-diagonal series expansion", QEAMS21, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan Israel, September 2021 (invited).

>> "Simulating topological models with Population Annealing QMC, QAFS/QEO telecon, Virtual meeting, August 2021 (invited).

>> "Analog Quantum Computing”, IFGW Quantum Technologies School, virtual/Sao Paulo Brazil, October 2021 (invited).

>> “Simulating Hamiltonian dynamics on a quantum computer using the off-diagonal series expansion", Quantum Information seminar, George Mason University, virtual, February 2022.

>> “Determining QMC simulability with geometric phases”, SIGN22, Tel Aviv, Israel, September 2022.

>> “Permutation Matrix Expansion Quantum Monte Carlo", XXXII IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics (CCP 2021), Virtual meeting/Coventry, UK, August 2021 (invited).
>> “Quantum Algorithm for Simulating Hamiltonian Dynamics with the Off-diagonal Series Expansion”, IBM Quantum seminar, Virtual, July 2021.
>> “Non-stoquasticity and non-simulability in AQC", AQC 2021, Virtual meeting/Japan, June 2021 (invited).

Quantum annealers as QMC simulators

Quantum algorithm for simulating Hamiltonian dynamics with an off-diagonal series expansion

Non-stoquastic quantum annealing simulation

Limitations of physical quantum annealers

Some of my other talks include –


  • “Analog Quantum Computing”, IFGW Quantum Technologies School, virtual/Sao Paulo Brazil, October 2021 (invited).
  • “Quantum simulations in the NISQ era: Simulating Hamiltonian dynamics on a quantum computer using the off-diagonal series expansion”, QEAMS21, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan Israel, September 2021.
  • “Permutation Matrix Expansion Quantum Monte Carlo”, XXXII IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics (CCP 2021), Virtual meeting/Coventry, UK, August 2021.
  • “Quantum Algorithm for Simulating Hamiltonian Dynamics with the Off-diagonal Series Expansion”}, IBM Quantum seminar, Virtual, July 2021. 
  • “Non-stoquasticity and non-simulability in AQC”, AQC 2021, Virtual meeting/Japan, June 2021.
  • “Quantum algorithm for simulating evolution under time-dependent Hamiltonians ”, DOE STAQC bi-weekly meeting, Virtual meeting, May 2021. 
  • “TEQUILAS: Towards enhanced quantum annealing in learning and simulation”, DARPA/DSO Reversible Quantum Machine Learning and Simulation mini kickoff meeting, Virtual, April 2021. 
  • “Novel methods for simulating quantum many-body systems on classical and quantum computers”, ISI’s CS&T Monthly meeting, Virtual, April 2021. 
  • “Novel methods for simulating quantum many-body systems on classical and quantum computers”, ACS Spring 2021, Virtual, April 2021 (poster). 
  • “Quantum Algorithm for Simulating Hamiltonian Dynamics with the Off-diagonal Series Expansion”, APS March Meeting, Virtual, March 2021. 
  • “Simulating Hamiltonian Dynamics with the Off-diagonal Series Expansion”, Quantum Computing seminar, University of Southern California Virtual meeting, February 2021. 
  • “Analog Quantum Computing”, UC Santa Barbara Winter School on Quantum Science, January 2021. 
  • “Quantum algorithm for simulating Hamiltonian dynamics with an off-diagonal series expansion”, QIP 2021, virtual, February 2021 (poster). 


  • “An integral-free representation of the Dyson series using divided differences”, STAQC Applications team meeting (virtual), November 2020. 
  • “Simulating Hamiltonian Dynamics with the Off-diagonal Series Expansion”, Quantum Algorithms 2020, Virtual meeting, September 2020. 
  • “Quantum Algorithms with the Off-diagonal Series Expansion”, DOE STAQC re-kickoff meeting, Virtual meeting, September 2020. 
  • “Quantum Annealers as Quantum Simulators”, QEO Milestone Review Meeting, Vir- tual meeting, June 2020 . 
  • “Simulating Hamiltonian Dynamics with the Off-diagonal Series Expansion”, DOE QCAT meeting, Virtual meeting, April 2020 . 
  • “Power of Non-Stoquastic Quantum Annealing Optimization”, AFRL Program Review, Virtual meeting, April 2020. 
  • “Future of Analog Quantum Computing: Hopes and Hinderances”, UCSB Quantum Foundry seminar, Santa Barbara CA, February 2020. 
  • “Future of Analog Quantum Computing: Hopes and Hinderances”, LBNL Advanced Quantum Testbed Colloquium, Berkeley CA, February 2020. 


  • “Non-stoquasticity going forward”, QEO YR2 Program Review, Marina del Rey CA, December 2019. 
  • “Non-stoquasticity and quantum annealing”, QEO YR2 Program Review, Marina del Rey CA, December 2019. 
  • “The sign problem, non-stoquasticity and everything in between”, Quantum Information seminar, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field CA, December 2019. 
  • “The sign problem, non-stoquasticity and everything in between”, USC Condensed Mat- ter/ Quantum Information seminar, Los Angeles CA, October 2019. 
  • “Simulating quantum many-body physics on classical and quantum computers”, Nuclear theory seminar, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, October 2019. 
  • “Equation Planting: A Tool for Benchmarking Ising Machines”, USC-Fujitsu research kickoff meeting, Los Angeles CA, September 2019. 
  • “Can Analog Quantum Computers Solve Classical Spin Glasses?”, Workshop on Break- down Of Ergodicity In Isolated Quantum Systems: From Glassiness To Localization, Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics, Firenze, Italy, July 2019 (invited). 
  • “Quantum annealing with non-stoquastic interactions: Promising paths and likely dead ends”, AQC 2019- Adiabatic Quantum Computing Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, June 2019. 
  • “Future of Analog Quantum Computing: Hopes and Hinderances”, Quantum Information Seminar, La Sapienza, Rome, Italy, June 2019. 
  • “Future of Analog Quantum Computing: Hopes and Hinderances”, Condensed Matter Seminar, University of Napoli, Napoli, Italy, June 2019. 
  • “Paths to supremacy with quantum annealers”, Cetraro, Italy, June 2019 (invited). 
  • “Equation Planting: A Tool for Benchmarking Ising Machines, Lockheed Martin/D- Wave/USC technical exchange meeting, Los Angeles, CA, June 2019. 
  • “Future of Analog Quantum Computing: Hopes and Hinderances”, AMOS Seminar, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, May 2019. 
  • “Future of Analog Quantum Computing: Hopes and Hinderances”, Condensed Matter Seminar, Hebrew. University, Jerusalem, Israel, May 2019. 
  • “Future of Analog Quantum Computing: Hopes and Hinderances”, Quantum Optics Seminar, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, May 2019. 
  • “Future of Analog Quantum Computing: Hopes and Hinderances”, Condensed Matter Seminar, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, April 2019. 
  • “Quantum Computing at ISI”, What’s Going On Breakfast Meeting at ISI, Marina del Rey, CA, April 2019. 
  • “Quantum Enhancement: Progress Report and Outlook”, QEO MIT LL site visit, Boston, MA, April 2019. 
  • “Off-Diagonal Series Expansion: From QMC to Hamiltonian Simulation”, STAQC Ap- plication Team, April 2019. 
  • “Equation Planting: A Tool for Benchmarking Ising Machines, Daniel Lidar’s group meeting, Los Angeles, CA, March 2019. 
  • “Errors in Analog Quantum Computers”, Virtual meeting on error mitigation for near- term QCs, March 2019. 
  • “Off-diagonal series expansion quantum Monte Carlo”, APS March meeting, Boston, MA, March 2019. 
  • “Center for Quantum Simulations”, DOE QIS Kickoff Meeting, Bethesda, MD, January 2019. 
  • “Paths to quantum enhancements.”, QEO Program Review, San Diego, CA, January 2019. 


  • “Quantum Annealing, Analog Errors, Quantum Simulations and more”, ASCR DOE QCAT Kickoff Meeting, Online Meeting, November 2018. 
  • “A Center for Quantum Simulations”, USC Quantum Center brainstorming workshop, Los Angeles, CA, November 2018. 
  • “Probing Analog Quantum Machines with Supercomputer Simulations”, Computer Simulations in Physics and Beyond (3rd International Conference), Moscow, Russia, September 2018 (invited). 
  • “Analog Quantum Computers: Hopes and Limitations”, HPC workshop, Cetraro, Italy, July 2018 (invited). 
  • “Quantum Enhancements Task One Year Review”, QEO Review Meeting 2018, Moffett Field, CA, June 2018. 
  • “Quantum Annealers as QMC Substitutes”, AQC 2018, Moffett Field, CA, June 2018. 
  • “Analog Errors in Ising Machines”, NASA Ames research center, Moffett Field, CA, June 2018. 
  • “Solving NP-hard problems with Janus”, Janus Collaboration meeting, Madrid, Spain, June 2018. 
  • “Future of Analog Quantum Computing and ISI’s Role in It”, CS&T monthly meeting, Marina del Rey, CA, April 2018. 
  • “Quantum Annealers as Substitutes to QMC Algorithms”, D-Wave/L,CO/USC Technical exchange meeting, Marina del Rey, CA, April 2018. 
  • “Off-Diagonal Series Expansion for Quantum Partition Functions”, Daniel Lidar’s group meeting, Los Angeles, CA, April 2018. 
  • “Can Analog Quantum Computers Solve Spin Glasses?”, APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, March 2018 (invited). 
  • “Different Facets of Benchmarking”, QEO Technical Exchange Meeting, Moffett Field, CA, February 2018. 


  • “Limitation of and Hopes for Physical Quantum Annealers”, DARPA/MEC Quantum Applications Workshop, Berkeley, CA, November 2017 (invited). 
  • “Searching for Optimal Quantum Annealing Architectures”, QEO Kickoff Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 2017. 
  • “Quantum Enhancement”, QEO Kickoff Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 2017. 
  • “Limitation of and Hopes for Physical Quantum Annealers”, Quantum Information Seminar, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, RJ, Brasil, October 2017. 
  • “Power of Adiabatic Quantum Computing: Theory and Reality”, Physics Colloquium, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, RJ, Brasil, October 2017. 
  • “Understanding Analog Quantum Computers with Digital Supercomputers ”, CECAM Workshop — Synergy between quantum computing and high-performance computing, Zurich, Switzerland, August 2017 (invited). 
  • “Off-diagonal Expansion Quantum Monte Carlo”, Conference of Computational Physics 2017, Paris, France, July 2017. 
  • “Limitations of Physical Quantum Annealers”, AQC 2017 – 5th International Workshop on Adiabatic Quantum Computing, Tokyo, Japan, June 2017 (invited). 
  • “Power of Adiabatic Quantum Computing: Theory and Reality”, Dahlem Center Col- loquium, Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems — Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, June 2017. 
  • “Quantum Computing at ISI: D-Wave and Beyond”, Air Force Space Command SMC visit, Marina del Rey, CA, April 2017. 
  • “Beyond HFS”, Lockheed Martin/D-Wave/USC technical exchange meeting, Marina del Rey, CA, April 2017. 
  • “Thermalization, freeze-out and J-chaos: deciphering experimental quantum annealers”, APS March Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2017 (conference talk). 
  • “Realizable quantum adiabatic search”, SQuInT (Southwest Quantum Information and Technology), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, February 2017 (poster). 
  • “Quantum annealers: Past and Future”, ISI’s CS&T Monthly meeting, Marina del Rey, CA, January 2017. 
  • “The fair in unfair quantum ground state sampling”, Daniel Lidar’s group meeting, Los Angeles, CA, January 2017. 


  • “The fair in unfair quantum ground state sampling”, AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2016 (poster). 
  • “Probing Analog Quantum Annealers with High Performance Computers”, SC16 (USC booth), Salt Lake City, UT, November 2016. 
  • “A Scaling Law for Dilution Fridges”, Lockheed Martin/D-Wave/USC technical ex- change meeting, Marina del Rey, CA, October 2016. 
  • “Quantum-Classical Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithms with Applications to AQC”, Work- shop on Theory and Practice of Adiabatic Quantum Computers and Quantum Simulation, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, August 2016 (invited). 
  • “Role of classical hardness for quantum annealers”, Berkeley Quantum Information and Computation Center, Berkeley, CA, August 2016. 
  • “Temperature chaos, J-chaos and the like in quantum annealers”, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, August 2016. 
  • “Classical Modeling of Quantum Tunneling”, Adiabatic Quantum Computing Confer- ence, Venice, CA, June 2016. 
  • “Practical Engineering of Hard Spin-Glass Instances”, Daniel Lidar’s Group Meeting, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, May 2016. . 
  • “Quantum Annealing for Constrained Optimization”, APS March meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 2016. 
  • “Quantum Annealing for Constrained Optimization”, Google Quantum Group meeting, Venice, CA, March 2016. 
  • “Quantum Annealing for Constrained Optimization”, SQuInT (Southwest Quantum In- formation and Technology), Santa Fe, NM, February 2016 (conference talk). 


  • “Fidelity-optimized quantum state estimation”, Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 2015, Montreal, CA, December 2015. 
  • “Simulations, modeling and benchmarking of experimental quantum annealing optimizers”, SC15 (USC booth), Austin, TX, November 2015. 
  • R&D in Computing, Rethink Disruption CTO Forum, San Francisco, CA, November 2015 (panelist, invited). 
  • “Quantum Annealing for Constrained Optimization”, D-Wave/Lockheed-Martin/USC Meeting, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, September 2015. 
  • “Generating hard problems on the Chimera”, Fourth Conference in Adiabatic Quantum Computing, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, June 2015. 
  • “Power of Adiabatic Quantum Computation: Theory and Reality”, QCD: from The- ory to Experiment (symposium in honor of Marek Karliner’s 60th birthday), Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, May 2015 (invited talk). 
  • “Power of Adiabatic Quantum Computation: Theory and Reality”, Physics Seminar, San Jose State University, San Jose CA, April 2015. 
  • “Optimized Adaptive Tomography”, Daniel Lidar’s Group Meeting, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, April 2015. 
  • “Harnessing Spin-Glass Theory to Probe Quantum Annealers”, Condensed-Matter sem- inar, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, April 2015 (seminar talk). 
  • “Role of Classical Hardness for Quantum Annealers”, APS March Meeting, San Anto- nio, TX, March 2015. 
  • “Role of Classical Hardness for Quantum Annealers”, SQuInT (Southwest Quantum Information and Technology), Berkeley, CA, February 2015 (conference talk). 
  • “Classical Simulations of Large-Scale Quantum Computers”, ASCR Workshop on Quan- tum Computing for Science, Bethesda, MD, February 2015 (invited talk). 
  • “Near-Future Quantum Advantages Beyond Speedup”, ASCR Workshop on Quantum Computing for Science, Bethesda, MD, February 2015 (invited talk). 
  • “Effects of Classical Control Errors on the Performance of Quantum Annealers”, Quan- tum Control MURI Retreat, Huntington Beach, CA, February 2015. 
  • “Role of Classical Hardness for Quantum Annealers”, Peter Young Retirement Conference, Santa Cruz, CA, February 2015 (invited talk). 
  • QEO proposers’ day, IARPA, College Park, MD, October 2015. 


  • “Quantum Speedups with D-Wave Two”, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, October 2014 (seminar talk). 
  • “Quantum versus Thermal Annealing: Seeking a Fair Comparison”, D-Wave Users Colloquium, Sunnyvale, CA, September 2014 (invited talk). 
  • “Performance of D-Wave Two on Problems with Planted Solutions”, Practical Applica- tions of Quantum Annealing Workshop, Griffiss Air Force Base, Rome, NY, September 2014 (invited talk). 
  • “Quantum versus Thermal Annealing: Seeking a Fair Comparison”, Workshop on heuris- tic and quantum-inspired optimization, Zurich, Switzerland, August 2014 (invited talk). 
  • “Optimization via Open System Quantum Annealers”, ARO Program Review, Arlington VA, August 2014. 
  • “Quantum Computational Science”, 2014 OLCF Users Meeting, Oak Ridge, TN, July 2014 (invited talk). 
  • “Performance of D-Wave Two on Problems with Planted Solutions”, Google Quantum Group Seminar, Google, Venice, CA, June 2014. 
  • “Performance of D-Wave Two on Problems with Planted Solutions”, AQC 2014, Los Angeles, CA, June 2014 (invited talk). 
  • “Period Finding with Adiabatic Quantum Computation”, Aspen Winter Conference on Advances in Quantum Algorithms and Computation, Aspen, CO, March 2014 (invited talk). 
  • “Period Finding with Adiabatic Quantum Computation”, APS March Meeting, Denver, CO, March 2014. 
  • “Period Finding with Adiabatic Quantum Computation”, SQuInT (Southwest Quantum Information and Technology), Santa Fe, NM, February 2014 (conference talk). 
  • “Controlled Quantum Adiabatic Evolution”, Quantum Control MURI retreat, Laguna Beach, CA, February 2014. 
  • “Power of Adiabatic Quantum Computation”, Physics Colloquium, University of South- ern California, Los Angeles, CA, February 2014 (colloquium). 
  • “Quantum Adiabatic Circuits”, 3rd D-Wave Application Colloquium, Google, Venice, CA, January 2014. 
  • “Hardness of D-Wave-specific problems with planted solutions”, QRA/Lockheed-Martin/USC Meeting, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, January 2014. 
  • “Period Finding and other Quantum Adiabatic Algorithms”, Quantum Seminar, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, January 2014 (seminar talk). 

Older Talks

  • “Period Finding and other Quantum Adiabatic Algorithms”, Condensed Matter Semi- nar, Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel, December 2013 (seminar talk). 
  • “Hardness of D-Wave-specific problems with planted solutions”, Daniel Lidar’s Group Meeting, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, December 2013. 
  • “Hardness of D-Wave-specific problems with planted solutions”, Google’s Quantum Com- puting Group, Venice–Los Angeles, CA, December 2013. 
  • “Period Finding with Adiabatic Quantum Computation”, Daniel Lidar’s Group Meeting, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, October 2013. 
  • “New Quantum Adiabatic Algorithms”, Quantum Computing Meetup Group, Mountain View, CA, October 2013 (invited talk). 
  • “Programming the D-Wave Chip”, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, August 2013. 
  • “Harnessing Adiabatic Quantum Computing for Operational Planning Problems”, 2nd D-Wave Application Colloquium, ISI/USC, Marina del Rey, CA, June 2013 (invited talk). 
  • “Harnessing Adiabatic Quantum Computing for Operational Planning Problems”, NASA- Ames QuAIL Seminar, Moffett Field, CA, June 2013 (seminar talk). 
  • “Complexity of the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm”, APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 2013 (invited talk). 
  • “Some New Quantum Adiabatic Algorithms”, AQC 2013 – 2nd International Workshop on Adiabatic Quantum Computing, London, UK, March 2013 (conference talk). 
  • “Complexity of the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm”, Quantum Information Laboratory Workshop, NASA Ames research center, Moffett Field, CA, November 2012 (seminar talk). 
  • “Complexity of the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm”, Condensed Matter Seminar, Uni- versidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, September 2012 (seminar talk). 
  • “Complexity of the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm”, Workshop on Complex quantum systems: Nonergodicity, glassiness and localization, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, August 2012 (invited talk). 
  • “Adiabatic Quantum Computing”, Advanced Machine Learning Class, UC Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, June 2012 (tutorial). 
  • “Complexity of the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm”, Condensed Matter Seminar, UC Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, April 2012 (seminar talk). 
  • “Complexity of the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm”, NASA Space Research Expo, Mof- fett Field, CA, March 2012 (poster). 
  • “Complexity of the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm”, APS March Meeting, Boston, MA, February 2012 (conference talk). 
  • “Complexity of the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm”, Quantum Computing Group Semi- nar, LPS, College Park, MD, January 2012 (seminar talk). 
  • “Complexity of the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm”, First NASA Quantum Future Tech- nologies Conference, Moffett Field, CA, January 2012 (poster). 
  • “Complexity of the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm”, 2012 Mini Stat Mech Meeting, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, January 2012 (poster). 
  • “Complexity of the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm”, Condensed Matter Seminar, Rutgers Center for Materials Theory, Piscataway, NJ, December 2011 (seminar talk). 
  • “Complexity of the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm”, Condensed Matter Seminar, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, December 2011 (seminar talk). 
  • “Complexity of the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm”, Condensed Matter Seminar, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, December 2011 (seminar talk). 
  • “Complexity of the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm”, Condensed Matter Seminar, BarIlan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, December 2011 (seminar talk). 
  • “Complexity of the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm”, Condensed Matter Seminar, Ben- Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel, December 2011 (seminar talk). 
  • “Complexity of the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm”, Condensed Matter Seminar, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, November 2011 (seminar talk). 
  • “Complexity of the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm”, International Workshop on Simulation and Manipulation of Quantum Systems for Information Processing, Ju ̈lich, Germany, October 2011 (poster). 
  • “Complexity of the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm”, ARO/ NSA 2011 Quantum Com- puting and Quantum Algorithms Program Review, Denver, CO, August 2011 (poster). 
  • “Implementation of the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm”, Farhi Group Meeting, MIT, Cambridge, MA, February 2011 (Informal seminar talk). 
  • “Strongly Interacting Atom Lasers in 3D Optical Lattices”, 2011 Mini Stat Mech Meeting, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, January 2011 (poster). 
  • “Phase Diagram of Hardcore Bose-Hubbard Model in the Presence of a Superlattice”, Condensed Matter Seminar, Boston University, Boston, MA, November 2010 (seminar talk). 
  • “No-Broadcasting Theorem and Its Classical Counterpart”, ARO/ NSA 2010 Quantum Computing, Quantum Algorithms & Multi-Qubit Coherent Operations Program Re-view, Cincinnati, OH, August 2010 (poster). 
  • “Phase Diagram of the Hardcore Bose-Hubbard Model in the Presence of a Superlattice”, APS March Meeting, Portland, OR, March 2010 (conference talk). 
  • “Phase Diagram of the Hardcore Bose-Hubbard Model in the Presence of a Superlattice”, Condensed Matter Seminar, UC Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, January 2010 (seminar talk). 
  • “Phase Diagram of the Hardcore Bose-Hubbard in the Presence of a Superlattice”, AMOPP group talk, University College London, London, UK, January 2010 (Job talk). 
  • “Phase Diagram of the Hardcore Bose-Hubbard Model in the Presence of a Superlattice”, Condensed Matter Physics Seminar, Georgetown University, Washington DC, November 2009 (seminar talk). 
  • “Phase Diagram of the Hardcore Bose-Hubbard Model in the Presence of a Superlattice”, Quantum Information/Bose-Einstein Condensation Seminar, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, December 2009 (seminar talk). 
  • “No-Broadcasting Theorem and Its Classical Counterpart”, 2nd Vienna Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics, Vienna, Austria, June 2009 (poster). 
  • “Superfluid to Mott-insulator Transition of Hardcore Bosons in a Superlattice”, Con- densed Matter Physics Seminar, Georgetown University, Washington DC, May 2009 (seminar talk). 
  • “Superfluid to Mott-insulator Transition of Hardcore Bosons in a Superlattice”, APS March Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, March 2009 (conference talk). 
  • “Superfluid to Mott-insulator Transition of Hardcore Bosons in a Superlattice”, Con- densed Matter Physics Seminar, Georgetown University, Washington DC, March 2009 (seminar talk). 
  • “Hexagonal Structure of Baby Skyrmion Lattices”, Nonlinear Physics: Theory and Ex- periment V, Gallipoli, Italy, June 2008 (conference talk). 
  • “Spontaneous Breaking of Rotational Symmetry in Field Theory Solitons”, Particle Physics Seminar, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel, June 2008 (seminar talk). 
  • “Hexagonal Structure of Baby Skyrmion Lattices”, Integrable Systems Seminar, Univer- sity of Leeds, Leeds, UK, March 2008 (seminar talk). 
  • Hexagonal Structure of Baby Skyrmion Lattices”, Israel Physical Society, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, December 2007 (conference talk).