USC DocuSign eSignature is an electronic signature service that allows users to quickly and securely send and view documents, such as contracts, forms, or agreements, for review and signature from any device.
The university-approved DocuSign eSignature system can help USC departments streamline approval workflows and reduce paper usage by replacing the need for physical document routing and storing. Rather than using printed documents to gather signatures, USC departments can use electronic versions of those documents (in Microsoft Word, PDF, or other standard formats) to collect signatures electronically. These electronically signed documents can be securely maintained on the university’s cloud-based systems.
- Collaborative Fields: This feature allows recipients to collaborate on text, radio buttons, drop-downs, and checkbox fields. Collaborative fields are perfect for situations where signers might need to negotiate changes to your document. For example, a sender and signer may want to propose changes to a closing date or some other small change in the document. Changes are managed within DocuSign, with all changes and approvals recorded in the secure audit trail.
- DocuSign Retrieve: DocuSign Retrieve is a Windows-based tool that retrieves envelopes, documents, and data from DocuSign for use in external systems. You can run Retrieve as a one-time request or on a schedule. When run, Retrieve contacts DocuSign and retrieves envelopes, documents, and information for those envelopes based on filters you set.
- Responsive Signing: With responsive signing, you can improve the display of your documents based on the signer’s device type. Responsive signing automatically converts documents to HTML and allows you to preview the conversion across device types before sending. Signers will see the responsive HTML and can toggle to view the original document.
- DocuSign Connect: DocuSign Connect is the DocuSign platform notification service. The service uses webhooks to proactively notify your application when an event occurs that your application wants to know about. DocuSign recommends that all applications use Connect instead of polling the DocuSign Signature Service.
- All USC faculty, staff, students, and affiliates may send, receive, view, and sign documents using USC DocuSign eSignature.
- For staff, faculty, and USC affiliates, you must use your primary USC email account for USC DocuSign eSignature.
- Non-USC-affiliated individuals may view and sign documents sent from USC DocuSign eSignature.
- Only those employees provided with explicit written authority by the president or the president’s designee may execute procurement agreements for goods or services. It is a violation of university policy to sign procurement agreements for goods or services if you have not been provided with written signature delegation. Check for further information on signatory
authority: - For questions on how to acquire goods or services on behalf of the university, please check
- DocuSign is an enterprise license managed by ITS with no additional cost to USC faculty, staff, students, or affiliates.
Helpful Links
- Log in to Docusign:
- Request Docusign Access on the ITS Service Portal.
- Submit a Request for Departmental Accounts for an account to manage multiple individual accounts within a single department.
- Open a Request Ticket for Docusign on the ITS Service Portal.
- Search for How-To instructions and knowledge-based articles on the ITS Service Portal.
ITS Support
- The ITS Service Desk provides support to the USC community 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- Call (213) 740-5555 and choose option 2 to receive assistance. Please note that some requests may require a government ID for user verification.
- Report an Issue on the ITS Service Portal.
- Search for information on the ITS Service Portal.