
Current Grants

ONR  Award: N00014-19-1-2035: Hydrodynamics, sensing, and control in the coordinated swimming of fish and fish-inspired vehicles. July 1, 2022. PIs: Eva Kanso, Matt McHenry, Derek Paley, and Rajat Mittal.

NIH R01 Award: NIH R01 HL 153622-01A1: Quantitative analysis of mucociliary clearance in airway ciliopathies PIs: Amy Ryan (Firth) and Eva Kanso.

NSF RAISE Award: RAISE: Collective neuromechanical control in the locomotion of sea stars PIs: Matt McHenry and Eva Kanso.

NSF Award: NSF 2100209: RUI: Collaborative Research: Optimized design principles inspired by compliant natural propulsors PIs: Jack H. Costello (lead), Eva Kanso, Sean Collin, Brad Gemmell.

Past Grants

(partial list)

ONR 18-001: Bioinspired sensing and control principles for underwater multi-vehicle coordination. PIs: Eva Kanso (lead), Derek Paley, Matt McHenry.

ONR Basic Research Grant: StarBot: Biological inspiration for manipulation and locomotion with soft robotics PIs: Eva Kanso (lead), Mitul Luhar, Matthew McHenry, Michael Tolley, and Shengqiang Cai

Army Research Office Grant: Active and passive actuation of bio-inspired locomotory systems. PI: Eva Kanso.

ONR 17-001: Data-driven and Physics-based flow characterization using bioinspired sensory systems. PI: Eva Kanso.

NSF INSPIRE Award: How do cilia-driven flows shape the chemical and mechanical microenvironment in bacteria-host associations? PIs: Eva Kanso (lead), Margaret McFall-Ngai, Eduard Ruby, and Scott Fraser.

NSF CBET Grant: Collaborative Research: Crossing the boundary: motion of solid objects across air-liquid interfaces. PIs: Eva Kanso (lead), Fotis Sotiropoulos.